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mirror of https://github.com/allthingslinux/tux.git synced 2024-10-02 16:43:12 +00:00

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poetry install # Install dependencies with Poetry. poetry run pre-commit install # Install pre-commit hooks.


poetry run python tux/main.py # Run the application with Poetry. poetry run pytest # Run all tests.


docker-compose up # Run the application with Docker.


poetry run pre-commit run --all-files # Run all pre-commit hooks. poetry run pre-commit run <hook_id> # Run a specific pre-commit hook.

Linting and Formatting

poetry run ruff check # Lint all files in the current directory. poetry run ruff check --fix # Lint all files in the current directory, and fix any fixable errors. poetry run ruff check --watch # Lint all files in the current directory, and re-lint on change. poetry run ruff check path/to/code/ # Lint all files in path/to/code (and any subdirectories). poetry run ruff format # Format all files in the current directory. poetry run ruff format path/to/code/ # Lint all files in path/to/code (and any subdirectories). poetry run ruff format path/to/file.py # Format a single file.


git checkout -b <branch_name> # Create a new branch. git checkout <branch_name> # Switch to an existing branch. git pull # Pull changes from the remote repository. git branch -d <branch_name> # Delete a branch. git status # Check the status of the repository. git diff # Show changes between commits, commit and working tree, etc. git log # Show commit logs. git remote -v # Show remote repositories. git remote add origin <repository_url> # Add a remote repository. git add . # Add all files to the staging area. git commit -m "Your commit message" # Commit changes with a message. git push # Push changes to the remote repository.