Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/allthingslinux/tux.git synced 2024-10-02 16:43:12 +00:00
kzndotsh 35dfe6d9d9 docs: update docstrings to follow numpydoc style guide
style: update command usage syntax for better clarity
feat: add new Roles cog for role management commands

refactor(random.py, xkcd.py, run.py, ban.py, kick.py, notes.py, purge.py, slowmode.py, timeout.py, unban.py): simplify command aliases and usage instructions for better user experience
feat(run.py): change command aliases to 'compile' and 'exec' to better reflect command functionality
style(timeout.py): update docstring format for consistency

refactor(warn.py): simplify usage instructions for better user experience
feat(avatar.py): add support for optional member parameter to allow fetching avatar of other members or self
style(avatar.py): update docstring format for better readability
refactor(snippets.py): update usage instructions and add guild_only decorator for better command control
refactor(tldr.py): add alias and usage instruction for tldr command, add guild_only decorator for better command control
style(tldr.py): update docstring format for better readability

refactor(wiki.py): add aliases, usage instructions to wiki commands for better user experience
style(functions.py): standardize docstring format for consistency and readability
2024-07-15 09:42:09 +00:00

265 lines
9.2 KiB

# import discord
# from discord import app_commands
# from discord.ext import commands
# from loguru import logger
# from prisma.models import Infractions
# from tux.database.controllers import DatabaseController
# from tux.utils.embeds import EmbedCreator
# from tux.utils.enums import InfractionType
# class Kick(commands.Cog):
# def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
# self.bot = bot
# self.db_controller = DatabaseController().infractions
# async def insert_infraction(
# self,
# user_id: int,
# moderator_id: int,
# infraction_type: InfractionType,
# infraction_reason: str,
# ) -> Infractions | None:
# """
# Inserts an infraction into the database.
# Args:
# user_id: The user ID who is being infracted.
# moderator_id: The moderator ID who is creating the infraction.
# infraction_type: The type of infraction.
# infraction_reason: The reason for the infraction.
# Returns
# An instance of Infractions if successful, None otherwise.
# """
# try:
# return await self.db_controller.create_infraction(
# user_id=user_id,
# moderator_id=moderator_id,
# infraction_type=infraction_type,
# infraction_reason=infraction_reason,
# )
# except Exception as error:
# logger.error(f"Failed to create infraction for user {user_id}. Error: {error}")
# return None
# @app_commands.checks.has_any_role("Admin", "Sr. Mod", "Mod", "Jr. Mod")
# @app_commands.command(name="kick", description="Kicks a member from the server.")
# @app_commands.describe(member="Which member to kick", reason="Reason for kick")
# async def kick(
# self, interaction: discord.Interaction, member: discord.Member, reason: str | None = None
# ) -> None:
# """
# Kicks a member from the server.
# Args:
# interaction: The interaction context for this command.
# member: The Discord member to be kicked.
# reason: The reason for kicking the member.
# """
# reason = reason or "No reason provided"
# try:
# new_kick = await self.insert_infraction(
# user_id=member.id,
# moderator_id=interaction.user.id,
# infraction_type=InfractionType.KICK,
# infraction_reason=reason,
# )
# embed = EmbedCreator.create_infraction_embed(
# title="",
# description="",
# interaction=interaction,
# )
# embed.add_field(
# name="Case ID", value=f"`{new_kick.id if new_kick else 'Unknown'}`", inline=True
# )
# embed.add_field(name="Action", value="Kick", inline=True)
# embed.add_field(name="Reason", value=f"`{reason}`", inline=False)
# embed.add_field(name="By", value=f"{interaction.user.mention}", inline=True)
# embed.add_field(name="To", value=f"{member.mention}", inline=True)
# logger.info(f"Kicked {member.display_name} ({member.id}): {reason}")
# except Exception as error:
# msg = f"Failed to kick {member.display_name} ({member.id})."
# embed = EmbedCreator.create_error_embed(
# title="Kick Failed", description=msg, interaction=interaction
# )
# logger.error(f"{msg} Error: {error}")
# await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)
# async def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
# await bot.add_cog(Kick(bot))
import discord
from discord import app_commands
from discord.ext import commands
from loguru import logger
from prisma.models import Infractions
from tux.database.controllers import DatabaseController
from tux.utils.embeds import EmbedCreator
from tux.utils.enums import InfractionType
class Kick(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
self.bot = bot
self.db_controller = DatabaseController()
async def insert_infraction(
user_id: int,
moderator_id: int,
infraction_type: InfractionType,
infraction_reason: str,
) -> Infractions | None:
Inserts an infraction into the database.
user_id : int
The user ID who is being infracted.
moderator_id : int
The moderator ID who is creating the infraction.
infraction_type : InfractionType
The type of infraction.
infraction_reason : str
The reason for the infraction.
Infractions | None
The newly created infraction if successful, None otherwise.
return await self.db_controller.infractions.create_infraction(
except Exception as error:
logger.error(f"Failed to create infraction for user {user_id}. Error: {error}")
return None
async def get_or_create_user(self, member: discord.Member) -> None:
Retrieves or creates a user in the database.
member : discord.Member
The member to retrieve or create in the database.
user = await self.db_controller.users.get_user_by_id(member.id)
if not user:
await self.db_controller.users.create_user(
async def get_or_create_moderator(self, interaction: discord.Interaction) -> None:
Retrieves or creates a moderator in the database.
interaction : discord.Interaction
The interaction to retrieve or create in the database.
moderator = await self.db_controller.users.get_user_by_id(interaction.user.id)
moderator_context = None
if interaction.guild:
moderator_context = interaction.guild.get_member(interaction.user.id)
if not moderator:
await self.db_controller.users.create_user(
joined_at=moderator_context.joined_at if moderator_context else None,
@app_commands.checks.has_any_role("Root", "Admin", "Sr. Mod", "Mod")
@app_commands.command(name="kick", description="Issues a kick to a member of the server.")
@app_commands.describe(member="The member to kick", reason="The reason for issuing the kick")
async def kick(
self, interaction: discord.Interaction, member: discord.Member, reason: str | None = None
) -> None:
Issues a kick to a member of the server.
interaction : discord.Interaction
The interaction context for this command.
member : discord.Member
The Discord member to be kicked.
reason : str | None, optional
The reason for kicking the member, by default None.
reason = reason or "No reason provided"
await self.get_or_create_user(member)
await self.get_or_create_moderator(interaction)
new_kick = await self.insert_infraction(
kick_id = new_kick.id if new_kick else "Unknown"
embed = EmbedCreator.create_infraction_embed(
embed.add_field(name="Action", value="Kick", inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Case ID", value=f"`{kick_id}`", inline=True)
embed.add_field(name="Reason", value=f"`{reason}`", inline=False)
embed.add_field(name="Moderator", value=f"{interaction.user.display_name}", inline=True)
logger.info(f"Kick issued to {member.display_name} ({member.id}) for: {reason}")
except Exception as error:
msg = f"Failed to issue kick to {member.display_name}."
embed = EmbedCreator.create_error_embed(
title="Kick Failed",
logger.error(f"{msg} Error: {error}")
await interaction.response.send_message(embed=embed)
async def setup(bot: commands.Bot) -> None:
await bot.add_cog(Kick(bot))