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mirror of https://github.com/allthingslinux/tux.git synced 2024-10-02 16:43:12 +00:00

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# import asyncio
# import concurrent.futures
# import os
# import sys
# import discord
# from discord.ext.commands import Bot # type: ignore
# from loguru import logger
# # TODO: Refactor this into a new CLI library
# class Console:
# def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None:
# self.bot = bot
# self.pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
# def print_commands(self):
# logger.info("Available commands:")
# logger.info("help - Display this message")
# logger.info("send [channel_id] [message] - Send a message to a channel")
# logger.info("embedbuild - Build an embed to send to a channel")
# logger.info("setstatus - Set the bot's status")
# logger.info("exit - Stop the bot")
# async def get_input(self, message: str):
# return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.pool, input, message)
# async def send_message(self, command: str) -> None:
# command = command.split(" ") # type: ignore
# if len(command) < 3:
# logger.error("Usage: send [channel_id] [message]")
# return
# channel_id, message = command[1], " ".join(command[2:])
# channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(channel_id))
# if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
# logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
# return
# await channel.send(message)
# async def build_embed(self) -> None:
# title = await self.get_input("Title: ")
# description = ""
# while True:
# line = await self.get_input("Description (type 'DONE' when finish): ")
# if line == "DONE":
# break
# description += line + "\n"
# color = await self.get_input("Color (hex): ")
# channel_id = await self.get_input("Channel ID: ")
# if not color.startswith("#") or len(color) != 7:
# logger.error("Invalid color. Must be a valid hex color. Example: #ff0000")
# return
# embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description, color=int(color[1:], 16))
# channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(channel_id))
# if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
# logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
# return
# await channel.send(embed=embed)
# async def set_status(self) -> None:
# status_type = await self.get_input(
# "Status type (watching, listening, playing, streaming): "
# )
# status_message = await self.get_input("Status message: ")
# if status_type == "streaming":
# stream_url = await self.get_input("Stream URL: ")
# await self.bot.change_presence(
# activity=discord.Streaming(name=status_message, url=stream_url)
# )
# return
# await self.bot.change_presence(
# activity=discord.Activity(
# type=getattr(discord.ActivityType, status_type),
# name=status_message,
# )
# )
# async def run_console(self) -> None:
# if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
# logger.info("Running in a non-interactive mode. Skipping console input.")
# return
# logger.info("Console is ready. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
# commands = {
# "help": self.print_commands,
# "exit": self.bot.close,
# "send": self.send_message,
# "embedbuild": self.build_embed,
# "setstatus": self.set_status,
# }
# while True:
# command = await self.get_input(">>> ")
# try:
# command_func = commands[command.split(" ")[0]]
# except KeyError:
# logger.info(f"Command '{command}' not found. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
# continue
# if command_func == self.bot.close:
# logger.info("Goodbye!")
# await command_func() # type: ignore
# continue
# if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(command_func):
# await command_func(command)
# else:
# command_func() # type: ignore
# import asyncio
# import concurrent.futures
# import os
# import sys
# import discord
# from discord.ext.commands import Bot
# from loguru import logger
# class Console:
# def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None:
# self.bot = bot
# self.pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor()
# async def shutdown_bot(self) -> None:
# """Shuts down the bot from the console."""
# logger.info("Initiating bot shutdown from console...")
# await self.bot.shutdown()
# def print_commands(self):
# logger.info("Available commands:")
# logger.info("help - Display this message")
# logger.info("send [channel_id] [message] - Send a message to a channel")
# logger.info("embedbuild - Build an embed to send to a channel")
# logger.info("setstatus - Set the bot's status")
# logger.info("exit - Stop the bot")
# async def get_input(self, message: str):
# # Get input using executor to avoid blocking the asyncio loop
# return await asyncio.get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.pool, input, message)
# async def send_message(self, command: str) -> None:
# parts = command.split(" ")
# if len(parts) < 3:
# logger.error("Usage: send [channel_id] [message]")
# return
# channel_id, message = parts[1], " ".join(parts[2:])
# try:
# channel_id = int(channel_id)
# except ValueError:
# logger.error("Channel ID must be an integer.")
# return
# channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
# if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
# logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
# return
# try:
# await channel.send(message)
# except discord.HTTPException as e:
# logger.error(f"Failed to send message: {e}")
# await channel.send(message)
# async def build_embed(self) -> None:
# title = await self.get_input("Title: ")
# description = ""
# while True:
# line = await self.get_input("Description (type 'DONE' when finish): ")
# if line == "DONE":
# break
# description += line + "\n"
# color = await self.get_input("Color (hex): ")
# channel_id = await self.get_input("Channel ID: ")
# if not color.startswith("#") or len(color) != 7:
# logger.error("Invalid color. Must be a valid hex color. Example: #ff0000")
# return
# embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description, color=int(color[1:], 16))
# channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(channel_id))
# if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
# logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
# return
# await channel.send(embed=embed)
# async def set_status(self) -> None:
# status_type = await self.get_input(
# "Status type (watching, listening, playing, streaming): "
# )
# status_message = await self.get_input("Status message: ")
# if status_type == "streaming":
# stream_url = await self.get_input("Stream URL: ")
# await self.bot.change_presence(
# activity=discord.Streaming(name=status_message, url=stream_url)
# )
# return
# await self.bot.change_presence(
# activity=discord.Activity(
# type=getattr(discord.ActivityType, status_type),
# name=status_message,
# )
# )
# async def run_console(self) -> None:
# if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
# logger.info("Running in a non-interactive mode. Skipping console input.")
# return
# logger.info("Console is ready. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
# commands = {
# "help": self.print_commands,
# "exit": self.shutdown_bot,
# "send": self.send_message,
# "embedbuild": self.build_embed,
# "setstatus": self.set_status,
# }
# while True:
# command_input = await self.get_input(">>> ")
# command = command_input.split(" ")[0]
# command_func = commands.get(command)
# if command_func is None:
# logger.info(f"Command '{command}' not found. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
# continue
# if command_func == self.shutdown_bot:
# logger.info("Goodbye!")
# await command_func()
# if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(command_func):
# await command_func(command_input)
# else:
# command_func()
# def close_executor(self):
# self.pool.shutdown(wait=True) # Properly shutdown the executor
import asyncio
import os
import sys
import discord
from aioconsole import ainput
from discord.ext.commands import Bot
from loguru import logger
class Console:
def __init__(self, bot: Bot) -> None:
self.bot = bot
async def shutdown_bot(self) -> None:
# Shutdown the bot from the console
logger.info("Initiating bot shutdown from console...")
await self.bot.shutdown()
def print_commands(self):
logger.info("Available commands:")
logger.info("help - Display this message")
logger.info("send [channel_id] [message] - Send a message to a channel")
logger.info("embedbuild - Build an embed to send to a channel")
logger.info("setstatus - Set the bot's status")
logger.info("exit - Stop the bot")
async def get_input(self, message: str):
return await ainput(message)
async def send_message(self, command: str) -> None:
parts = command.split(" ")
if len(parts) < 3:
logger.error("Usage: send [channel_id] [message]")
# Extract the channel ID and message from the command
channel_id, message = parts[1], " ".join(parts[2:])
channel_id = int(channel_id)
except ValueError:
logger.error("Channel ID must be an integer.")
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
if not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
await channel.send(message)
except discord.HTTPException as e:
logger.error(f"Failed to send message: {e}")
async def build_embed(self, command: str) -> None:
title = await self.get_input("Title: ")
description = ""
while True:
line = await self.get_input("Description (type 'DONE' when finish): ")
if line == "DONE":
description += line + "\n"
color = await self.get_input("Color (hex): ")
channel_id = await self.get_input("Channel ID: ")
if not color.startswith("#") or len(color) != 7:
logger.error("Invalid color. Must be a valid hex color. Example: #ff0000")
embed = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description, color=int(color[1:], 16))
channel = self.bot.get_channel(int(channel_id))
if channel is None or not isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
logger.error("Channel not found or is not a text channel.")
await channel.send(embed=embed)
async def set_status(self, command: str) -> None:
feat(neofetch.py): add new neofetch command to display system and server stats chore(.pre-commit-config.yaml): add new pre-commit hooks for trailing commas and gitleaks refactor(cog_loader.py): improve error logging for cog loading failures style(.pre-commit-config.yaml, cog_loader.py): apply code formatting rules style(dev.py, eval.py, git.py, mail.py, random.py): improve code readability by breaking down long lines of code into multiple lines refactor(eval.py): add trailing comma to logger.warning for better code formatting refactor(git.py): simplify import statement for Issue from githubkit.versions.latest.models refactor(mail.py): add line breaks for better readability and code consistency refactor(random.py): add line breaks in function parameters and conditions for better readability style(xkcd.py, config.py, export.py): refactor function arguments to multi-line for better readability style: reformat code for better readability in audit.py, commands.py, gate.py, member.py, run.py, temp_vc.py, tty_roles.py, purge.py refactor: improve code readability by breaking down complex expressions and function calls into multiple lines style: reformat code for better readability and PEP8 compliance in multiple files refactor: simplify list declaration in guide.py for better readability refactor: improve function parameter formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve string formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve function declaration formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve embed creation in rolecount.py for better readability style(snippets.py, tldr.py, tools.py, wiki.py): reformat code for better readability refactor(tools.py): simplify dictionary initialization for encodings and decodings perf(tldr.py, tools.py): reduce subprocess.run arguments to improve performance fix(wiki.py): correct the order of error handling and embed creation for better error management refactor(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function signatures into multiple lines style(case.py): add trailing commas to improve code formatting and ease of future changes style(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function parameters into multiple lines refactor(case.py): add trailing commas in dictionary to make future changes cleaner and more readable style(guild_config.py): refactor function definitions to improve readability and adhere to PEP8 line length standards style: apply PEP 8 style guide to improve readability and maintainability refactor: add trailing commas to improve diff readability in future changes fix(event_handler.py): add missing comma in message string to fix syntax error style: apply black formatting to improve code readability and maintain consistency across the codebase
2024-07-02 03:41:57 +00:00
status_type = await self.get_input(
"Status type (watching, listening, playing, streaming): ",
status_message = await self.get_input("Status message: ")
if status_type == "streaming":
stream_url = await self.get_input("Stream URL: ")
feat(neofetch.py): add new neofetch command to display system and server stats chore(.pre-commit-config.yaml): add new pre-commit hooks for trailing commas and gitleaks refactor(cog_loader.py): improve error logging for cog loading failures style(.pre-commit-config.yaml, cog_loader.py): apply code formatting rules style(dev.py, eval.py, git.py, mail.py, random.py): improve code readability by breaking down long lines of code into multiple lines refactor(eval.py): add trailing comma to logger.warning for better code formatting refactor(git.py): simplify import statement for Issue from githubkit.versions.latest.models refactor(mail.py): add line breaks for better readability and code consistency refactor(random.py): add line breaks in function parameters and conditions for better readability style(xkcd.py, config.py, export.py): refactor function arguments to multi-line for better readability style: reformat code for better readability in audit.py, commands.py, gate.py, member.py, run.py, temp_vc.py, tty_roles.py, purge.py refactor: improve code readability by breaking down complex expressions and function calls into multiple lines style: reformat code for better readability and PEP8 compliance in multiple files refactor: simplify list declaration in guide.py for better readability refactor: improve function parameter formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve string formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve function declaration formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve embed creation in rolecount.py for better readability style(snippets.py, tldr.py, tools.py, wiki.py): reformat code for better readability refactor(tools.py): simplify dictionary initialization for encodings and decodings perf(tldr.py, tools.py): reduce subprocess.run arguments to improve performance fix(wiki.py): correct the order of error handling and embed creation for better error management refactor(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function signatures into multiple lines style(case.py): add trailing commas to improve code formatting and ease of future changes style(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function parameters into multiple lines refactor(case.py): add trailing commas in dictionary to make future changes cleaner and more readable style(guild_config.py): refactor function definitions to improve readability and adhere to PEP8 line length standards style: apply PEP 8 style guide to improve readability and maintainability refactor: add trailing commas to improve diff readability in future changes fix(event_handler.py): add missing comma in message string to fix syntax error style: apply black formatting to improve code readability and maintain consistency across the codebase
2024-07-02 03:41:57 +00:00
await self.bot.change_presence(
activity=discord.Streaming(name=status_message, url=stream_url),
await self.bot.change_presence(
type=getattr(discord.ActivityType, status_type),
feat(neofetch.py): add new neofetch command to display system and server stats chore(.pre-commit-config.yaml): add new pre-commit hooks for trailing commas and gitleaks refactor(cog_loader.py): improve error logging for cog loading failures style(.pre-commit-config.yaml, cog_loader.py): apply code formatting rules style(dev.py, eval.py, git.py, mail.py, random.py): improve code readability by breaking down long lines of code into multiple lines refactor(eval.py): add trailing comma to logger.warning for better code formatting refactor(git.py): simplify import statement for Issue from githubkit.versions.latest.models refactor(mail.py): add line breaks for better readability and code consistency refactor(random.py): add line breaks in function parameters and conditions for better readability style(xkcd.py, config.py, export.py): refactor function arguments to multi-line for better readability style: reformat code for better readability in audit.py, commands.py, gate.py, member.py, run.py, temp_vc.py, tty_roles.py, purge.py refactor: improve code readability by breaking down complex expressions and function calls into multiple lines style: reformat code for better readability and PEP8 compliance in multiple files refactor: simplify list declaration in guide.py for better readability refactor: improve function parameter formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve string formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve function declaration formatting in multiple files for better readability refactor: improve embed creation in rolecount.py for better readability style(snippets.py, tldr.py, tools.py, wiki.py): reformat code for better readability refactor(tools.py): simplify dictionary initialization for encodings and decodings perf(tldr.py, tools.py): reduce subprocess.run arguments to improve performance fix(wiki.py): correct the order of error handling and embed creation for better error management refactor(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function signatures into multiple lines style(case.py): add trailing commas to improve code formatting and ease of future changes style(case.py): improve readability by breaking down long function parameters into multiple lines refactor(case.py): add trailing commas in dictionary to make future changes cleaner and more readable style(guild_config.py): refactor function definitions to improve readability and adhere to PEP8 line length standards style: apply PEP 8 style guide to improve readability and maintainability refactor: add trailing commas to improve diff readability in future changes fix(event_handler.py): add missing comma in message string to fix syntax error style: apply black formatting to improve code readability and maintain consistency across the codebase
2024-07-02 03:41:57 +00:00
async def run_console(self) -> None:
if not os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()):
logger.info("Running in a non-interactive mode. Skipping console input.")
logger.info("Console is ready. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
commands = {
"help": self.print_commands,
"exit": self.shutdown_bot,
"send": self.send_message,
"embedbuild": self.build_embed,
"setstatus": self.set_status,
while True:
command_input = await self.get_input(">>> ")
command = command_input.split(" ")[0]
command_func = commands.get(command)
if command_func is None:
logger.info(f"Command '{command}' not found. Type 'help' for a list of commands.")
if command_func == self.shutdown_bot:
await command_func()
if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(command_func):
await command_func(command_input)