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## MacOS From Source
Open Terminal (if you don't know how to, click on the magnifying glass on the top right corner of your screen and type **Terminal** on the window that pops up) and navigate to the location where you want to install the bot (for example `cd ~`)
##### Installing Homebrew, wget and dotnet
###### Homebrew/wget
*Skip this step if you already have homebrew installed*
- Copy and paste this command, then press Enter:
- `/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"`
- Install wget
- `brew install wget`
###### Dotnet
- Download [.net6 SDK](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download/dotnet/6.0)
- Open the `.pkg` file you've downloaded and install it.
- Run this command in Terminal. There might be output. If there is, disregard it. (copy-paste the entire block)
sudo mkdir /usr/local/bin
sudo mkdir /usr/local/lib
- Run this command in Terminal. There won't be any output. (copy-paste the entire block):
sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/dotnet/dotnet /usr/local/bin
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libcrypto.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
sudo ln -s /usr/local/opt/openssl/lib/libssl.1.0.0.dylib /usr/local/lib/
##### Installation Instructions
1. Download and run the **new** installer script `cd ~ && wget -N https://gitlab.com/kwoth/nadeko-bash-installer/-/raw/v5/linuxAIO.sh && bash linuxAIO.sh`
2. Install prerequisites (type `1` and press enter)
3. Download the bot (type `2` and press enter)
4. Exit the installer in order to set up your `creds.yml`
5. Copy the creds.yml template
`cp nadekobot/output/creds_example.yml nadekobot/output/creds.yml`
6. Open `nadekobot/output/creds.yml` with your favorite text editor. We will use nano here
- `nano nadekobot/output/creds.yml`
7. [Enter your bot's token](#creds-guide)
- After you're done, you can close nano (and save the file) by inputting, in order
- `CTRL`+`X`
- `Y`
- `Enter`
8. Run the bot (type `3` and press enter)
##### Update Instructions
1. ⚠ Stop the bot
2. Update and run the **new** installer script `cd ~ && wget -N https://gitlab.com/kwoth/nadeko-bash-installer/-/raw/v5/linuxAIO.sh && bash linuxAIO.sh`
3. Update the bot (type `2` and press enter)
4. Run the bot (type `3` and press enter)
5. 🎉
## MacOS Manual Release installation instructions
##### Installation Instructions
1. Download the latest release from <https://gitlab.com/kwoth/nadekobot/-/releases>
- Look for the file called "X.XX.X-linux-x64-build.tar" (where X.XX.X is a series of numbers) and download it
2. Untar it
⚠ Make sure that you change X.XX.X to the same series of numbers as in step 1!
- `tar xf X.XX.X-linux-x64-build.tar`
3. Rename the `nadekobot-linux-x64` to `nadekobot`
- `mv nadekobot-linux-x64 nadekobot`
4. Move into nadekobot directory and make NadekoBot executable
- `cd nadekobot && chmod +x NadekoBot`
5. Copy the creds.yml template
- `cp creds_example.yml creds.yml`
6. Open `creds.yml` with your favorite text editor. We will use nano here
- `nano nadekobot/output/creds.yml`
8. [Enter your bot's token](#creds-guide)
- After you're done, you can close nano (and save the file) by inputting, in order
- `CTRL`+`X`
- `Y`
- `Enter`
9. Run the bot
- `./NadekoBot`
##### Update Instructions
1. Stop the bot
2. Download the latest release from <https://gitlab.com/kwoth/nadekobot/-/releases>
- Look for the file called "X.XX.X-linux-x64-build.tar" (where X.XX.X is a series of numbers) and download it
3. Untar it
⚠ Make sure that you change X.XX.X to the same series of numbers as in step 2!
- `tar xf 2.99.8-linux-x64-build.tar`
4. Rename the old nadekobot directory to nadekobot-old (remove your old backup first if you have one, or back it up under a different name)
- `rm -rf nadekobot-old 2>/dev/null`
- `mv nadekobot nadekobot-old`
5. Rename the new nadekobot directory to nadekobot
- `mv nadekobot-linux-x64 nadekobot`
6. Remove old strings and aliases to avoid overwriting the updated versions of those files
⚠ If you've modified said files, back them up instead
- `rm nadekobot-old/data/aliases.yml`
- `rm -r nadekobot-old/data/strings`
7. Copy old data
- `cp -RT nadekobot-old/data/ nadekobot/data/`
8. Copy creds.yml
- `cp nadekobot-old/creds.yml nadekobot/`
9. Move into nadekobot directory and make the NadekoBot executable
- `cd nadekobot && chmod +x NadekoBot`
10. Run the bot
- `./NadekoBot`
🎉 Enjoy
##### Steps 3 - 9 as a single command
Don't forget to change X.XX.X to match step 2.
tar xf X.XX.X-linux-x64-build.tar && \
rm -rf nadekobot-old 2>/dev/null && \
mv nadekobot nadekobot-old && \
mv nadekobot-linux-x64 nadekobot && \
rm nadekobot-old/data/aliases.yml && \
rm -r nadekobot-old/data/strings && \
cp -RT nadekobot-old/data/ nadekobot/data/ && \
cp nadekobot-old/creds.yml nadekobot/ && \
cd nadekobot && chmod +x NadekoBot