function Get-Changelog($lastTag) { if(!$lastTag) { $lastTag = git describe --tags --abbrev=0 } $tag = "$lastTag..HEAD" $clArr = (git log $tag --oneline) [array]::Reverse($clArr) $changelog = $clArr | where { "$_" -notlike "*(*" -and "$_" -notlike "*Merge branch*" -and "$_" -notlike "*Merge pull request*" -and "$_" -notlike "^-*" -and "$_" -notlike "*Merge remote tracking*" } $changelog = [string]::join([Environment]::NewLine, $changelog) $cl2 = $clArr | where { "$_" -like "*Merge pull request*" } $changelog = "## Changes$nl$changelog" if ($null -ne $cl2) { $cl2 = [string]::join([Environment]::NewLine, $cl2) $changelog = $changelog + "$nl ## Pull Requests Merged$nl$cl2" } return $changelog } function Build-Installer($versionNumber) { $env:NADEKOBOT_INSTALL_VERSION = $versionNumber dotnet clean # rm -r -fo "src\NadekoBot\bin" dotnet publish -c Release --runtime win7-x64 /p:Version=$versionNumber # .\rcedit-x64.exe "src\NadekoBot\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\win7-x64\nadekobot.exe" --set-icon "src\NadekoBot\bin\Release\netcoreapp2.1\win7-x64\nadeko_icon.ico" & "iscc.exe" "/O+" ".\exe_builder.iss" Write-ReleaseFile($versionNumber) # $path = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments') + "\_projekti\new_installer\$versionNumber\"; # $binPath = $path + "nadeko-setup-$versionNumber.exe"; # Copy-Item -Path $path -Destination $dest -Force -ErrorAction Stop # return $path } function Write-ReleaseFile($versionNumber) { $changelog = "" # pull the changes if they exist # git pull # attempt to build teh installer # $path = Build-Installer $versionNumber # get changelog before tagging $changelog = Get-Changelog # tag the release # & (git tag, $tag) # print out the changelog to the console # Write-Host $changelog $jsonReleaseFile = "[{""VersionName"": ""$versionNumber"", ""DownloadLink"": ""$versionNumber.exe"", ""Changelog"": """"}]" $releaseJsonOutPath = [Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments') + "\_projekti\nadeko-installers\$versionNumber\" New-Item -Path $releaseJsonOutPath -Value $jsonReleaseFile -Name "releases.json" -Force }