# Changelog Experimental changelog. Mostly based on [keepachangelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) except date format. a-c-f-r-o ## Unreleased ### Added - Added support for embed arrays in commands such as .say, .greet, .bye, etc... - Website to create them is live at eb2.nadeko.bot (it will soon be replacing eb.nadeko.bot) - Embed arrays don't have a plainText property (it's renamed to 'content') - Embed arrays use color hex values instead of an integer - Old embed format will still work - There shouldn't be any breaking changes - Added `.stondel` command which, when toggled, will make the bot delete online stream messages on the server when the stream goes offline ### Fixed - Fixed `.deletexp` command - `.give` command should send DMs again ## [4.1.2] - 16.04.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed an issue with missing `.dll` files in release versions ## [4.1.0] - 16.04.2022 ### Added - NadekoBot now supports mysql, postgresql and sqlite - To change the db nadeko will use, simply change the `db type` in `creds.yml` - There is no migration code right now, which means that if you want to switch to another system you'll either have to manually export/import your database or start fresh - Medusa system - A massive new feature which allows developers to create custom modules/plugins/cogs - They can be load/unloaded/updated at runtime without restarting the bot ### Changed - Minor club rework - Clubs names are now case sensitive (owo and OwO can be 2 different clubs) - Removed discriminators - Current discriminators which are greater than 1 are appended to clubnames to avoid duplicates, you can rename your club with `.clubrename` to remove it - Most of the clubs with #1 discriminator no longer have it (For example MyClub#1 will now just be MyClub) - [dev] A lot of refactoring and slight functionality changes within Nadeko's behavior system and command handler which were required in order to support the medusa system ### Removed - Removed `.clublevelreq` command as it doesn't serve much purpose ## [4.0.6] - 21.03.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed voice presence logging - Fixed .clubaccept, .clubban, .clubkick and .clubunban commands ## [4.0.5] - 21.03.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed several bugs in the currency code - Fixed some potential memory leaks - Fixed some response strings ## [4.0.4] - 04.03.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed the `id` which shows up when you add a new Expression - Fixed some strings which were still referring to "CustomReaction(s)" instead of "Expression(s)" ## [4.0.3] - 04.03.2022 ### Fixed - Console should no longer spam numbers when `.antispam` is enabled ## [4.0.2] - 03.03.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed `.rero` not working due to a bug introduced in 4.0 ## [4.0.1] - 03.03.2022 ### Added - Added `usePrivilegedIntents` to creds.yml if you don't have or don't want (?) to use them - Added a human-readable, detailed error message if logging in fails due to missing privileged intents ## [4.0.0] - 02.03.2022 ### Added - Added `.deleteemptyservers` command - Added `.curtr ` which lets you see full information about one of your own transactions with the specified id - Added trovo.live support for stream notifications (`.stadd`) - Added unclaimed waifu decay functionality - Added 3 new settings to `data/gambling.yml` to control it: - waifu.decay.percent - How much % to subtract from unclaimed waifu - waifu.decay.hourInterval - How often to decay the price - waifu.decay.minPrice - Unclaimed waifus with price lower than the one specified here will not be affected by the decay - Added `currency.transactionsLifetime` to `data/gambling.yml` Any transaction older than the number of days specified will be automatically deleted - Added `.stock` command to check stock prices and charts - Re-added `.qap / .queueautoplay` ### Changed - CustomReactions module (and customreactions db table) has been renamed to Expressions. - This was done to remove confusion about how it relates to discord Reactions (it doesn't, it was created and named before discord reactions existed) - Expression command now start with ex/expr and end with the name of the action or setting. - For example `.exd` (`.dcr`) is expression delete, `.exa` (`.acr`) - Permissions (`.lp`) be automatically updated with "ACTUALEXPRESSIONS", "EXPRESSIONS" instead of "ACTUALCUSTOMREACTIONS" and "CUSTOMREACTIONS" - Permissions for `.ecr` (now `.exe`), `.scr` (now `.exs`), `.dcr` (now `.exd`), `.acr` (now `.exa`), `.lcr` (now `.exl`) will be automatically updated - If you have custom permissions for other CustomReaction commands - Some of the old aliases like `.acr` `.dcr` `.lcr` and a few others have been kept - Currency output format improvement (will use guild locale now for some commands) - `.crypto` will now also show CoinMarketCap rank - Waifus can now be claimed for much higher prices (int -> long) - Several strings and commands related to music have been changed - Changed `.ms / .movesong` to `.tm / .trackmove` but kept old aliases - Changed ~~song~~ -> `track` throughout music module strings - Improved .curtrs (It will now have a lot more useful data in the database, show Tx ids, and be partially localized) - [dev] Reason renamed to Note - [dev] Added Type, Extra, OtherId fields to the database - [dev] CommandStrings will now use methodname as the key, and **not** the command name (first entry in aliases.yml) - In other words aliases.yml and commands.en-US.yml will use the same keys (once again) - [dev] Reorganized module and submodule folders - [dev] Permissionv2 db table renamed to Permissions - [dev] Moved FilterWordsChannelId to a separate table ### Fixed - Fixed twitch stream notifications (rewrote it to use the new api) - Fixed an extra whitespace in usage part of command help if the command has no arguments - Possible small fix for `.prune` ratelimiting - `.gvc` should now properly trigger when a user is already in a gvc and changes his activity - `.gvc` should now properly detect multiple activities - Fixed reference to non-existent command in bot.yml - Comment indentation in .yml files should now make more sense - Fixed `.warn` punishments not being applied properly when using weighted warnings - Fixed embed color when disabling `.antialt` ### Removed - Removed `.bce` - use `.config` or `.config bot` specifically for bot config - Removed obsolete placeholders: %users% %servers% %userfull% %username% %userdiscrim% %useravatar% %id% %uid% %chname% %cid% %sid% %members% %server_time% %shardid% %time% %mention% - Removed some obsolete commands and strings - Removed code which migrated 2.x to v3 credentials, settings, etc... ## [3.0.13] - 14.01.2022 ### Fixed - Fixed `.greetdm` causing ratelimits during raids - Fixed `.gelbooru` ## [3.0.12] - 06.01.2022 ### Fixed - `.smch` Fixed - `.trans` command will now work properly with capitilized language names - Ban message color with plain text fixed - Fixed some grpc coordinator bugs - Fixed a string in `.xpex` - Google version of .img will now have safe search enabled - Fixed a small bug in `.hangman` ## [3.0.11] - 17.12.2021 ### Added - `.remindl` and `.remindrm` commands now supports optional 'server' parameter for Administrators which allows them to delete any reminder created on the server - Added slots.currencyFontColor to gambling.yml - Added `.qexport` and `.qimport` commands which allow you to export and import quotes just like `.crsexport` - Added `.showembed ` and `.showembed #channel ` which will show you embed json from the specified message ### Changed - `.at` and `.atl` commands reworked - Persist restarts - Will now only translate non-commands - You can switch between `.at del` and `.at` without clearing the user language registrations - Disabling `.at` will clear all user language registrations on that channel - Users can't register languages if the `.at` is not enabled - Looks much nicer - Bot will now reply to user messages with a translation if `del` is disabled - Bot will make an embed with original and translated text with user avatar and name if `del` is enabled - If the bot is unable to delete messages while having `del` enabled, it will reset back to the no-del behavior for the current session ### Fixed - `.crypto` now supports top 5000 coins ## [3.0.10] - 01.12.2021 ### Changed - `.warn` now supports weighted warnings - `.warnlog` will now show current amount and total amount of warnings ### Fixed - `.xprewsreset` now has correct permissions ### Removed - Removed slot.numbers from `images.yml` as they're no longer used ## [3.0.9] - 21.11.2021 ### Changed - `.ea` will now use an image attachments if you omit imageUrl ### Added - Added `.emojiadd` with 3 overloads - `.ea :customEmoji:` which copies another server's emoji - `.ea newName :customEmoji:` which copies emoji under a different name - `.ea emojiName ` which creates a new emoji from the specified image - Patreon Access and Refresh Tokens should now be automatically updated once a month as long as the user has provided the necessary credentials in creds.yml file: - `Patreon.ClientId` - `Patreon.RefreshToken` (will also get updated once a month but needs an initial value) - `Patreon.ClientSecret` - `Patreon.CampaignId` ### Fixed - Fixed an error that would show up in the console when a club image couldn't be drawn in certain circumstances ## [3.0.8] - 03.11.2021 ### Added - Created VotesApi project nad re-worked vote rewards handling - Updated votes entries in creds.yml with explanations on how to set up vote links ### Fixed - Fixed adding currency to users who don't exist in the database - Memory used by the bot is now correct (thanks to kotz) - Ban/kick will no longer fail due to too long reasons - Fixed some fields not preserving inline after string replacements ### Changed - `images.json` moved to `images.yml` - Links will use the new cdn url - Heads and Tails images will be updated if you haven't changed them already - `.slot` redesigned (and updated entries in `images.yml`) - Reduced required permissions for .qdel (thanks to tbodt) ## [3.0.7] - 05.10.2021 ### Added - `.streamsclear` re-added. It will remove all followed streams on the server. - `.gifts` now have 3 new โœ‚๏ธ Haircut ๐Ÿงป ToiletPaper and ๐Ÿฅ€ WiltedRose which **reduce** waifu's value - They are called negative gifts - They show up at the end of the `.gifts` page and are marked with a broken heart - They have a separate multiplier (`waifu.multi.negative_gift_effect` default 0.5, changeable via `.config gambling` or `data/gambling.yml`) - When gifted, the waifu's price will be reduced by the `price * multiplier` - Negative gifts don't show up in `.waifuinfo` nor is the record of them kept in the database ### Fixed - Fixed `%users%` and `%shard.usercount%` placeholders not showing correct values ## [3.0.6] - 27.09.2021 ### Added - .logignore now supports ignoring users and channels. Use without parameters to see the ignore list ### Changed - Hangman rewrite - Hangman categories are now held in separate .yml files in data/hangman/XYZ.yml where XYZ is the category name ### Fixed - Fixed an exception which caused repeater queue to break - Fixed url field not working in embeds ## [3.0.5] - 20.09.2021 ### Fixed - Fixed images not automatically reloading on startup if the keys don't exist - Fixed `.logserver` - it should no longer throw an exception if you had no logsettings previously ## [3.0.4] - 16.09.2021 ### Added - Fully translated to Brazilian Portuguese ๐ŸŽ‰ - Added `%server.boosters%` and `%server.boost_level%` placeholders - Added `DmHelpTextKeywords` to `data/bot.yml` - Bot now sends dm help text ONLY if the message contains one of the keywords specified - If no keywords are specified, bot will reply to every DM (like before) ### Fixed - Possible fix for `.repeat` bug - Slight adjustment for repeater logic - Timer should no longer increase on some repeaters - Repeaters should no longer have periods when they're missing from the list - Fixed several commands which used error color for success confirmation messages ## [3.0.3] - 15.09.2021 ### Added - Added `.massban` to ban multiple people at once. 30 second cooldown - Added `.youtubeuploadnotif` / `.yun` as a shortcut for subscribing to a youtube channel's rss feed - Added `.imageonlychannel` / `.imageonly` to prevent users from posting anything but images in the channel - Added `.config games hangman.currency_reward` and a property with the same name in games.yml - If set, users will gain the specified amount of currency for each hangman win - Fully translated to Spanish, Russian and Ukrainian ๐ŸŽ‰ ### Changed - Ban `.warnp` will now prune user's messages ### Fixed - `.boostmsg` will now properly show boost, and not greet message ## [3.0.2] - 12.09.2021 ### Added - `.rero` now optionally takes a message id to which to attach the reaction roles - Fully translated to German ๐ŸŽ‰ - Added `.boost`, `.boostmsg` and `.boostdel` commands which allow you to have customizable messages when someone boosts your server, with auto-deletion support ### Changed - Updated `.greetmsg` and `.byemsg` command help to match the new `.boost` command help - Updated response embed colors in greet commands - Success -> green - Warning or Disable -> yellow. ### Fixed - `.timely` will now correctly use `Ok` color - Fixed `.log` commands ### Removed - Removed `.novel` command as it no longer works ## [3.0.1] - 10.09.2021 ### Fixed - Fixed some issues with the embeds not showing the correct data ## [3.0.0] - 06.09.2021 ### Changed - Renamed `credentials.json` to `creds.yml` (example in `creds_example.yml`) - Most of the credentials from 2.x will be automatically migrated - Explanations on how to get the keys are added as the comments - Code cleanup - Command attributes cleaned up - Removed dummy Remarks and Usages attributes as hey were unused for a few patches but stayed in the code to avoid big git diffsmigration code has ran and it can be safely removed - There are 2 projects: NadekoBot and NadekoBot.Coordinator - You can directly run NadekoBot as the regular bot with one shard - Run NadekoBot.Coordinator if you want more control over your shards and a grpc api for coordinator with which you can start, restart, kill and see status of shards - Small performance improvements - Db Migrations squashed - A lot of cleanup all around - Many guides reworked - Guides now instruct users to set build output to nadekobot/output instead of running from nadekobot/src/NadekoBot ### Fixed - Fixed many response strings which were formatted or used incorrectly ### Removed - Removed All database migrations and data (json file) migrations - As updating to the latest 2.x version before switching over to v3 is mandated (or fresh v3 install), that means all ## [2.46.2] - 14.07.2021 ### Fixed - Fixed .save for local songs - Fixed .lq for local songs if the song names are too long - Fixed hierarchy check for .warnpunish with role argument ## [2.46.1] - 21.06.2021 ### Fixed - Fixed some response strings (thx Ala) - Fixed repeaters having 5 global limit, instead of 5 server limit (thx cata) ## [2.46.0] - 17.06.2021 ### Added - Added some nsfw commands ### Changed - `.aar` reworked. Now supports multiple roles, up to 3. - Toggle roles that are added to newly joined users with `.aar RoleName` - Use `.aar` to list roles which will be added - Roles which are deleted are automatically cleaned up from `.aar` - `.inrole` now also shows user ids - Blacklist commands (owner only) `.ubl` `.sbl` and `.cbl` will now list blacklisted items when no argument (or a page number) is provided - `.cmdcd` now works with customreactions too - `.xprr` usage changed. It now takes add/rm parameter to add/remove a role ex. You can only take or remove a single role, adding and removing a role at the same level doesn't work (yet?) - example: `.xprr 5 add Member` or `.xprr 1 rm Newbie` ## [2.45.2] - 14.06.2021 ### Added - Added `.duckduckgo / .ddg` search ### Changed - `.invlist` shows expire time and is slightly prettier ### Fixed - `.antialt` will be properly cleaned up when the bot leaves the server ## [2.45.1] - 12.06.2021 ### Added - Added many new aliases to custom reaction commands in the format ex + "action" to prepare for the future rename from CustomReactions to Expressions - You can now `.divorce` via username#discrim even if the user no longer exists ### Changed - DmHelpText should now have %prefix% and %bot.prefix% placeholders available - Added squares which show enabled features for each cr in `.lcr` - Changed CustomReactions' IDs to show, and accept base 32 unambigous characters instead of the normal database IDs (this will result in much shorter cr IDs in case you have a lot of them) - Improved `.lcr` helptext to explain what's shown in the output - `.rolecolor ` changed to take color, then the role, to make it easier to set color for roles with multiple words without mentioning the role - `.acmdcds` alias chanaged to `.cmdcds` - `.8ball` will now cache results for a day - `.chatmute` and `.voicemute` now support timed mutes ### Fixed - Fixed `.config ` exceeding embed field character limit ## [2.45.0] - 10.06.2021 ### Added - Added `.crsexport` and `.crsimport` - Allows for quick export/import of server or global custom reactions - Requires admin permissions for server crs, and owner for global crs - Explanation of the fields is in the comment at the top of the `.crsexport` .yml file - Added `.mquality` / `.musicquality` - Set encoding quality. Has 4 presets - Low, Medium, High, Highest. Default is Highest - Added `.xprewsreset` which resets all currently set xp level up rewards - Added `.purgeuser @User` which will remove the specified from the database completely. Removed settings include: Xp, clubs, waifu, currency, etc... - Added `.config xp txt.per_image` and xpFromImage to xp.yml - Change this config to allow xp gain from posting images. Images must be 128x128 or greater in size - Added `.take ` to complement `.award role` - Added **Fans** list to `.waifuinfo` which shows how many people have their affinity set to you - Added `.antialt` which will punish any user whose account is younger than specified threshold ### Changed - `.warne` with no args will now show current state - .inrole` will now lists users with no roles if no role is provided - Music suttering fixed on some systems - `.say` moved to utility module - Re-created GuildRepeaters table and renamed to Repeaters - confirmation prompts will now use pending color from bot config, instead of okcolor - `.mute` can now have up to 49 days mute to match .warnp - `.warnlog` now has proper pagination (with reactions) and checking your own warnings past page 1 works correctly now with `.warnlog 2` ### Fixed - obsolete_use string fixed - Fixed `.crreact` ## [2.44.4] - 06.06.2021 ### Added - Re-added `%music.playing%` and `%music.queued%` (#290) - Added `%music.servers%` which shows how many servers have a song queued up to play โ„น๏ธ ^ Only available to `.ropl` / `.adpl` feature atm - `.autodc` re-added - `.qrp`, `.vol`, `.smch` `.autodc` will now persist ### Changed - Using `.commands` / `.cmds` without a module will now list modules - `.qrp` / `.queuerepeat` will now accept one of 3 values - `none` - don't repeat queue - `track` - repeat single track - `queue` (or ommit) - repeat entire queue - your old `.defvol` and `.smch` settings will be reset ### Fixed - Fixed `.google` / `.g` command - Removing last song in the queue will no longer reset queue index - Having `.rpl` disabled will now correctly stop after the last song, closes #292 ### Removed - `.sad` removed. It's more or less useless. Use `.qrp` and `.autodc` now for similar effect ### Obsolete - `.rcs` is obsolete, use `.qrp s` or `.qrp song` - `.defvol` is obsolete, use `.vol` ## [2.44.3] - 04.06.2021 ### Changed - Minor perf improvement for filter checks ### Fixed - `.qs` result urls are now valid - Custom reactions with "`-`" as a response should once again disable that custom reaction completely - Fixed `.acrm` out of range string - Fixed `.sclist` and `.aclist` not showing correct indexes past page 1 ## [2.44.2] - 02.06.2021 ### Added - Music related commands reimplemented with custom code, **considered alpha state** - Song and playlist caching (faster song queue after first time) - Much faster starting and skipping once the songs are in the queue - Higher quality audio (no stuttering too!) - Local tracks will now have durations if you have ffprobe installed (comes with ffmpeg) - Bot supports joining a different vc without skipping the song if you use `.j` - โš ๏ธ **DO NOT DRAG THE BOT** to another vc, as it's not properly supported atm, and you will have to do `.play` after dragging it) - `.j` makes the bot join your voice channel - `.p` is now alias of play, pause is `.pause` - `.qs` should work without google api key now for most users as it is using a custom loader - Added `.clubs` alias for `.clublb` ### Changed - `.ms` no longer takes `>` between arguments (`.ms 1 5` now, was `.ms 1>5` before) - FlowerShop renamed to Shop ### Fixed - Fixed decay bug giving everyone 1 flower every 24h - Fixed feeds which have rss media items without a type - Fixed `.acrm` index not working - Fixed and error reply when a waifu item doesn't exist - Disabled colored console on windows as they were causing issues for some users - Fixed/Updated some strings and several minor bugfixes ### Removed - Removed admin requirement on `.scrm` as it didn't make sense - Some Music commands are removed because of the complexity they bring in with little value (if you *really* want them back, you can open an issue and specify your *good* reason)