ifeq ($(USE_REPO_TEST_DIR),1) # This rule replaces the whole Makefile when we're trying to use /tmp repository temporary files location = $(CURDIR)/$(word $(words $(MAKEFILE_LIST)),$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) self := $(location) %: @tmpdir=`mktemp --tmpdir -d` ; \ echo Using temporary directory $$tmpdir for test repositories ; \ USE_REPO_TEST_DIR= $(MAKE) -f $(self) --no-print-directory REPO_TEST_DIR=$$tmpdir/ $@ ; \ STATUS=$$? ; rm -r "$$tmpdir" ; exit $$STATUS else # This is the "normal" part of the Makefile DIST := dist DIST_DIRS := $(DIST)/binaries $(DIST)/release IMPORT := code.gitea.io/gitea GO ?= go SHASUM ?= shasum -a 256 HAS_GO := $(shell hash $(GO) > /dev/null 2>&1 && echo yes) COMMA := , DIFF ?= diff --unified XGO_VERSION := go-1.21.x AIR_PACKAGE ?= github.com/air-verse/air@v1 # renovate: datasource=go EDITORCONFIG_CHECKER_PACKAGE ?= github.com/editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker/v3/cmd/editorconfig-checker@v3.0.3 # renovate: datasource=go GOFUMPT_PACKAGE ?= mvdan.cc/gofumpt@v0.6.0 # renovate: datasource=go GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE ?= github.com/golangci/golangci-lint/cmd/golangci-lint@v1.59.1 # renovate: datasource=go GXZ_PACKAGE ?= github.com/ulikunitz/xz/cmd/gxz@v0.5.11 # renovate: datasource=go MISSPELL_PACKAGE ?= github.com/golangci/misspell/cmd/misspell@v0.6.0 # renovate: datasource=go SWAGGER_PACKAGE ?= github.com/go-swagger/go-swagger/cmd/swagger@v0.31.0 # renovate: datasource=go XGO_PACKAGE ?= src.techknowlogick.com/xgo@latest GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE ?= github.com/google/go-licenses@v1.6.0 # renovate: datasource=go GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE ?= golang.org/x/vuln/cmd/govulncheck@v1 # renovate: datasource=go DEADCODE_PACKAGE ?= golang.org/x/tools/cmd/deadcode@v0.24.0 # renovate: datasource=go GOMOCK_PACKAGE ?= go.uber.org/mock/mockgen@v0.4.0 # renovate: datasource=go GOPLS_PACKAGE ?= golang.org/x/tools/gopls@v0.16.1 # renovate: datasource=go RENOVATE_NPM_PACKAGE ?= renovate@38.25.0 # renovate: datasource=docker packageName=code.forgejo.org/forgejo-contrib/renovate DOCKER_IMAGE ?= gitea/gitea DOCKER_TAG ?= latest DOCKER_REF := $(DOCKER_IMAGE):$(DOCKER_TAG) ifeq ($(HAS_GO), yes) CGO_EXTRA_CFLAGS := -DSQLITE_MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=32766 CGO_CFLAGS ?= $(shell $(GO) env CGO_CFLAGS) $(CGO_EXTRA_CFLAGS) endif ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) IS_WINDOWS := yes else ifeq ($(patsubst Windows%,Windows,$(OS)),Windows) ifeq ($(GOOS),) IS_WINDOWS := yes endif endif ifeq ($(IS_WINDOWS),yes) GOFLAGS := -v -buildmode=exe EXECUTABLE ?= gitea.exe else GOFLAGS := -v EXECUTABLE ?= gitea endif ifeq ($(shell sed --version 2>/dev/null | grep -q GNU && echo gnu),gnu) SED_INPLACE := sed -i else SED_INPLACE := sed -i '' endif EXTRA_GOFLAGS ?= MAKE_VERSION := $(shell "$(MAKE)" -v | cat | head -n 1) MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR := .make_evidence ifeq ($(RACE_ENABLED),true) GOFLAGS += -race GOTESTFLAGS += -race endif STORED_VERSION_FILE := VERSION HUGO_VERSION ?= 0.111.3 GITEA_COMPATIBILITY ?= gitea-1.22.0 STORED_VERSION=$(shell cat $(STORED_VERSION_FILE) 2>/dev/null) ifneq ($(STORED_VERSION),) FORGEJO_VERSION ?= $(STORED_VERSION) else ifneq ($(GITEA_VERSION),) FORGEJO_VERSION ?= $(GITEA_VERSION) FORGEJO_VERSION_API ?= $(GITEA_VERSION)+${GITEA_COMPATIBILITY} else # drop the "g" prefix prepended by git describe to the commit hash FORGEJO_VERSION ?= $(shell git describe --exclude '*-test' --tags --always | sed 's/^v//' | sed 's/\-g/-/')+${GITEA_COMPATIBILITY} endif endif FORGEJO_VERSION_MAJOR=$(shell echo $(FORGEJO_VERSION) | sed -e 's/\..*//') FORGEJO_VERSION_MINOR=$(shell echo $(FORGEJO_VERSION) | sed -E -e 's/^([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*/\1/') show-version-full: @echo ${FORGEJO_VERSION} show-version-major: @echo ${FORGEJO_VERSION_MAJOR} show-version-minor: @echo ${FORGEJO_VERSION_MINOR} RELEASE_VERSION ?= ${FORGEJO_VERSION} VERSION ?= ${RELEASE_VERSION} FORGEJO_VERSION_API ?= ${FORGEJO_VERSION} show-version-api: @echo ${FORGEJO_VERSION_API} LDFLAGS := $(LDFLAGS) -X "main.ReleaseVersion=$(RELEASE_VERSION)" -X "main.MakeVersion=$(MAKE_VERSION)" -X "main.Version=$(FORGEJO_VERSION)" -X "main.Tags=$(TAGS)" -X "main.ForgejoVersion=$(FORGEJO_VERSION_API)" LINUX_ARCHS ?= linux/amd64,linux/386,linux/arm-5,linux/arm-6,linux/arm64 ifeq ($(HAS_GO), yes) GO_TEST_PACKAGES ?= $(filter-out $(shell $(GO) list code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/...) $(shell $(GO) list code.gitea.io/gitea/models/forgejo_migrations/...) code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test code.gitea.io/gitea/tests code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e,$(shell $(GO) list ./...)) endif REMOTE_CACHER_MODULES ?= cache nosql session queue GO_TEST_REMOTE_CACHER_PACKAGES ?= $(addprefix code.gitea.io/gitea/modules/,$(REMOTE_CACHER_MODULES)) FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR := web_src/fomantic WEBPACK_SOURCES := $(shell find web_src/js web_src/css -type f) WEBPACK_CONFIGS := webpack.config.js tailwind.config.js WEBPACK_DEST := public/assets/js/index.js public/assets/css/index.css WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES := public/assets/js public/assets/css public/assets/fonts BINDATA_DEST := modules/public/bindata.go modules/options/bindata.go modules/templates/bindata.go BINDATA_HASH := $(addsuffix .hash,$(BINDATA_DEST)) GENERATED_GO_DEST := modules/charset/invisible_gen.go modules/charset/ambiguous_gen.go SVG_DEST_DIR := public/assets/img/svg AIR_TMP_DIR := .air GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR := .go-licenses GO_LICENSE_FILE := assets/go-licenses.json TAGS ?= TAGS_SPLIT := $(subst $(COMMA), ,$(TAGS)) TAGS_EVIDENCE := $(MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR)/tags TEST_TAGS ?= sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify TAR_EXCLUDES := .git data indexers queues log node_modules $(EXECUTABLE) $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules $(DIST) $(MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR) $(AIR_TMP_DIR) $(GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) GO_DIRS := build cmd models modules routers services tests WEB_DIRS := web_src/js web_src/css ESLINT_FILES := web_src/js tools *.js tests/e2e STYLELINT_FILES := web_src/css web_src/js/components/*.vue SPELLCHECK_FILES := $(GO_DIRS) $(WEB_DIRS) docs/content templates options/locale/locale_en-US.ini .github $(wildcard *.go *.js *.md *.yml *.yaml *.toml) GO_SOURCES := $(wildcard *.go) GO_SOURCES += $(shell find $(GO_DIRS) -type f -name "*.go" ! -path modules/options/bindata.go ! -path modules/public/bindata.go ! -path modules/templates/bindata.go) GO_SOURCES += $(GENERATED_GO_DEST) GO_SOURCES_NO_BINDATA := $(GO_SOURCES) ifeq ($(HAS_GO), yes) MIGRATION_PACKAGES := $(shell $(GO) list code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/... code.gitea.io/gitea/models/forgejo_migrations/...) endif ifeq ($(filter $(TAGS_SPLIT),bindata),bindata) GO_SOURCES += $(BINDATA_DEST) GENERATED_GO_DEST += $(BINDATA_DEST) endif # Force installation of playwright dependencies by setting this flag ifdef DEPS_PLAYWRIGHT PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS += --with-deps endif FORGEJO_API_SPEC := public/assets/forgejo/api.v1.yml SWAGGER_SPEC := templates/swagger/v1_json.tmpl SWAGGER_SPEC_S_TMPL := s|"basePath": *"/api/v1"|"basePath": "{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape}}/api/v1"|g SWAGGER_SPEC_S_JSON := s|"basePath": *"{{AppSubUrl \| JSEscape}}/api/v1"|"basePath": "/api/v1"|g SWAGGER_EXCLUDE := code.gitea.io/sdk SWAGGER_NEWLINE_COMMAND := -e '$$a\' SWAGGER_SPEC_BRANDING := s|Gitea API|Forgejo API|g TEST_MYSQL_HOST ?= mysql:3306 TEST_MYSQL_DBNAME ?= testgitea?multiStatements=true TEST_MYSQL_USERNAME ?= root TEST_MYSQL_PASSWORD ?= TEST_PGSQL_HOST ?= pgsql:5432 TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME ?= testgitea TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME ?= postgres TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD ?= postgres TEST_PGSQL_SCHEMA ?= gtestschema .PHONY: all all: build .PHONY: help help: @echo "Make Routines:" @echo " - \"\" equivalent to \"build\"" @echo " - build build everything" @echo " - frontend build frontend files" @echo " - backend build backend files" @echo " - watch watch everything and continuously rebuild" @echo " - watch-frontend watch frontend files and continuously rebuild" @echo " - watch-backend watch backend files and continuously rebuild" @echo " - clean delete backend and integration files" @echo " - clean-all delete backend, frontend and integration files" @echo " - deps install dependencies" @echo " - deps-frontend install frontend dependencies" @echo " - deps-backend install backend dependencies" @echo " - deps-tools install tool dependencies" @echo " - deps-py install python dependencies" @echo " - lint lint everything" @echo " - lint-fix lint everything and fix issues" @echo " - lint-frontend lint frontend files" @echo " - lint-frontend-fix lint frontend files and fix issues" @echo " - lint-backend lint backend files" @echo " - lint-backend-fix lint backend files and fix issues" @echo " - lint-codespell lint typos" @echo " - lint-codespell-fix lint typos and fix them automatically" @echo " - lint-codespell-fix-i lint typos and fix them interactively" @echo " - lint-go lint go files" @echo " - lint-go-fix lint go files and fix issues" @echo " - lint-go-vet lint go files with vet" @echo " - lint-go-gopls lint go files with gopls" @echo " - lint-js lint js files" @echo " - lint-js-fix lint js files and fix issues" @echo " - lint-css lint css files" @echo " - lint-css-fix lint css files and fix issues" @echo " - lint-md lint markdown files" @echo " - lint-swagger lint swagger files" @echo " - lint-templates lint template files" @echo " - lint-renovate lint renovate files" @echo " - lint-yaml lint yaml files" @echo " - lint-spell lint spelling" @echo " - lint-spell-fix lint spelling and fix issues" @echo " - checks run various consistency checks" @echo " - checks-frontend check frontend files" @echo " - checks-backend check backend files" @echo " - test test everything" @echo " - show-version-full show the same version as the API endpoint" @echo " - show-version-major show major release number only" @echo " - test-frontend test frontend files" @echo " - test-frontend-coverage test frontend files and display code coverage" @echo " - test-backend test backend files" @echo " - test-remote-cacher test backend files that use a remote cache" @echo " - test-e2e-sqlite[\#name.test.e2e] test end to end using playwright and sqlite" @echo " - webpack build webpack files" @echo " - svg build svg files" @echo " - fomantic build fomantic files" @echo " - generate run \"go generate\"" @echo " - fmt format the Go code" @echo " - generate-license update license files" @echo " - generate-gitignore update gitignore files" @echo " - generate-manpage generate manpage" @echo " - generate-gomock generate gomock files" @echo " - generate-forgejo-api generate the forgejo API from spec" @echo " - forgejo-api-validate check if the forgejo API matches the specs" @echo " - generate-swagger generate the swagger spec from code comments" @echo " - swagger-validate check if the swagger spec is valid" @echo " - go-licenses regenerate go licenses" @echo " - tidy run go mod tidy" @echo " - test[\#TestSpecificName] run unit test" @echo " - test-sqlite[\#TestSpecificName] run integration test for sqlite" ### # Check system and environment requirements ### .PHONY: go-check go-check: $(eval MIN_GO_VERSION_STR := $(shell grep -Eo '^go\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' go.mod | cut -d' ' -f2)) $(eval MIN_GO_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d" $(shell echo '$(MIN_GO_VERSION_STR)' | tr '.' ' '))) $(eval GO_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d" $(shell $(GO) version | grep -Eo '[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' | tr '.' ' ');)) @if [ "$(GO_VERSION)" -lt "$(MIN_GO_VERSION)" ]; then \ echo "Forgejo requires Go $(MIN_GO_VERSION_STR) or greater to build. You can get it at https://go.dev/dl/"; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: git-check git-check: @if git lfs >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then : ; else \ echo "Forgejo requires git with lfs support to run tests." ; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: node-check node-check: $(eval MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR := $(shell grep -Eo '"node":.*[0-9.]+"' package.json | sed -n 's/.*[^0-9.]\([0-9.]*\)"/\1/p')) $(eval MIN_NODE_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d%03d" $(shell echo '$(MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR)' | tr '.' ' '))) $(eval NODE_VERSION := $(shell printf "%03d%03d%03d" $(shell node -v | cut -c2- | tr '.' ' ');)) $(eval NPM_MISSING := $(shell hash npm > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo 1)) @if [ "$(NODE_VERSION)" -lt "$(MIN_NODE_VERSION)" -o "$(NPM_MISSING)" = "1" ]; then \ echo "Forgejo requires Node.js $(MIN_NODE_VERSION_STR) or greater and npm to build. You can get it at https://nodejs.org/en/download/"; \ exit 1; \ fi ### # Basic maintenance, check and lint targets ### .PHONY: clean-all clean-all: clean rm -rf $(WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES) node_modules .PHONY: clean clean: rm -rf $(EXECUTABLE) $(DIST) $(BINDATA_DEST) $(BINDATA_HASH) \ integrations*.test \ e2e*.test \ tests/integration/gitea-integration-* \ tests/integration/indexers-* \ tests/mysql.ini tests/pgsql.ini man/ \ tests/e2e/gitea-e2e-*/ \ tests/e2e/indexers-*/ \ tests/e2e/reports/ tests/e2e/test-artifacts/ tests/e2e/test-snapshots/ .PHONY: fmt fmt: @GOFUMPT_PACKAGE=$(GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) $(GO) run build/code-batch-process.go gitea-fmt -w '{file-list}' $(eval TEMPLATES := $(shell find templates -type f -name '*.tmpl')) @# strip whitespace after '{{' or '(' and before '}}' or ')' unless there is only @# whitespace before it @$(SED_INPLACE) \ -e 's/{{[ ]\{1,\}/{{/g' -e '/^[ ]\{1,\}}}/! s/[ ]\{1,\}}}/}}/g' \ -e 's/([ ]\{1,\}/(/g' -e '/^[ ]\{1,\})/! s/[ ]\{1,\})/)/g' \ $(TEMPLATES) .PHONY: fmt-check fmt-check: fmt @git diff --exit-code --color=always $(GO_SOURCES) templates $(WEB_DIRS) \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make fmt' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: $(TAGS_EVIDENCE) $(TAGS_EVIDENCE): @mkdir -p $(MAKE_EVIDENCE_DIR) @echo "$(TAGS)" > $(TAGS_EVIDENCE) ifneq "$(TAGS)" "$(shell cat $(TAGS_EVIDENCE) 2>/dev/null)" TAGS_PREREQ := $(TAGS_EVIDENCE) endif OAPI_CODEGEN_PACKAGE ?= github.com/deepmap/oapi-codegen/cmd/oapi-codegen@v1.12.4 KIN_OPENAPI_CODEGEN_PACKAGE ?= github.com/getkin/kin-openapi/cmd/validate@v0.114.0 FORGEJO_API_SERVER = routers/api/forgejo/v1/generated.go .PHONY: generate-forgejo-api generate-forgejo-api: $(FORGEJO_API_SPEC) $(GO) run $(OAPI_CODEGEN_PACKAGE) -package v1 -generate chi-server,types $< > $(FORGEJO_API_SERVER) .PHONY: forgejo-api-check forgejo-api-check: generate-forgejo-api @git diff --exit-code --color=always $(FORGEJO_API_SERVER) \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make generate-forgejo-api' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: forgejo-api-validate forgejo-api-validate: $(GO) run $(KIN_OPENAPI_CODEGEN_PACKAGE) $(FORGEJO_API_SPEC) .PHONY: generate-swagger generate-swagger: $(SWAGGER_SPEC) $(SWAGGER_SPEC): $(GO_SOURCES_NO_BINDATA) $(GO) run $(SWAGGER_PACKAGE) generate spec -x "$(SWAGGER_EXCLUDE)" -o './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' $(SED_INPLACE) '$(SWAGGER_SPEC_S_TMPL)' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' $(SED_INPLACE) $(SWAGGER_NEWLINE_COMMAND) './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' $(SED_INPLACE) '$(SWAGGER_SPEC_BRANDING)' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' .PHONY: swagger-check swagger-check: generate-swagger @git diff --exit-code --color=always '$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make generate-swagger' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: swagger-validate swagger-validate: $(SED_INPLACE) '$(SWAGGER_SPEC_S_JSON)' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' $(GO) run $(SWAGGER_PACKAGE) validate './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' $(SED_INPLACE) '$(SWAGGER_SPEC_S_TMPL)' './$(SWAGGER_SPEC)' .PHONY: checks checks: checks-frontend checks-backend .PHONY: checks-frontend checks-frontend: lockfile-check svg-check .PHONY: checks-backend checks-backend: tidy-check swagger-check fmt-check swagger-validate security-check .PHONY: lint lint: lint-frontend lint-backend lint-spell .PHONY: lint-fix lint-fix: lint-frontend-fix lint-backend-fix lint-spell-fix .PHONY: lint-frontend lint-frontend: lint-js lint-css .PHONY: lint-frontend-fix lint-frontend-fix: lint-js-fix lint-css-fix .PHONY: lint-backend lint-backend: lint-go lint-go-vet lint-editorconfig lint-renovate .PHONY: lint-backend-fix lint-backend-fix: lint-go-fix lint-go-vet lint-editorconfig .PHONY: lint-codespell lint-codespell: codespell .PHONY: lint-codespell-fix lint-codespell-fix: codespell -w .PHONY: lint-codespell-fix-i lint-codespell-fix-i: codespell -w -i 3 -C 2 .PHONY: lint-js lint-js: node_modules npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue $(ESLINT_FILES) .PHONY: lint-js-fix lint-js-fix: node_modules npx eslint --color --max-warnings=0 --ext js,vue $(ESLINT_FILES) --fix .PHONY: lint-css lint-css: node_modules npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 $(STYLELINT_FILES) .PHONY: lint-css-fix lint-css-fix: node_modules npx stylelint --color --max-warnings=0 $(STYLELINT_FILES) --fix .PHONY: lint-swagger lint-swagger: node_modules npx spectral lint -q -F hint $(SWAGGER_SPEC) .PHONY: lint-renovate lint-renovate: node_modules npx --yes --package $(RENOVATE_NPM_PACKAGE) -- renovate-config-validator --strict > .lint-renovate 2>&1 || true @if grep --quiet --extended-regexp -e '^( WARN:|ERROR:)' .lint-renovate ; then cat .lint-renovate ; rm .lint-renovate ; exit 1 ; fi @rm .lint-renovate .PHONY: lint-md lint-md: node_modules npx markdownlint docs *.md .PHONY: lint-spell lint-spell: lint-codespell @go run $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -error $(SPELLCHECK_FILES) .PHONY: lint-spell-fix lint-spell-fix: lint-codespell-fix @go run $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) -w $(SPELLCHECK_FILES) RUN_DEADCODE = $(GO) run $(DEADCODE_PACKAGE) -generated=false -f='{{println .Path}}{{range .Funcs}}{{printf "\t%s\n" .Name}}{{end}}{{println}}' -test code.gitea.io/gitea .PHONY: lint-go lint-go: $(GO) run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS) $(RUN_DEADCODE) > .cur-deadcode-out @$(DIFF) .deadcode-out .cur-deadcode-out \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make lint-go-fix' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: lint-go-fix lint-go-fix: $(GO) run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) run $(GOLANGCI_LINT_ARGS) --fix $(RUN_DEADCODE) > .deadcode-out # workaround step for the lint-go-windows CI task because 'go run' can not # have distinct GOOS/GOARCH for its build and run steps .PHONY: lint-go-windows lint-go-windows: @GOOS= GOARCH= $(GO) install $(GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) golangci-lint run .PHONY: lint-go-vet lint-go-vet: @echo "Running go vet..." @$(GO) vet ./... .PHONY: lint-go-gopls lint-go-gopls: @echo "Running gopls check..." @GO=$(GO) GOPLS_PACKAGE=$(GOPLS_PACKAGE) tools/lint-go-gopls.sh $(GO_SOURCES_NO_BINDATA) .PHONY: lint-editorconfig lint-editorconfig: $(GO) run $(EDITORCONFIG_CHECKER_PACKAGE) templates .forgejo/workflows .PHONY: lint-templates lint-templates: .venv node_modules @node tools/lint-templates-svg.js @poetry run djlint $(shell find templates -type f -iname '*.tmpl') .PHONY: lint-yaml lint-yaml: .venv @poetry run yamllint . .PHONY: security-check security-check: go run $(GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE) ./... ### # Development and testing targets ### .PHONY: watch watch: @bash tools/watch.sh .PHONY: watch-frontend watch-frontend: node-check node_modules @rm -rf $(WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES) NODE_ENV=development npx webpack --watch --progress .PHONY: watch-backend watch-backend: go-check GITEA_RUN_MODE=dev $(GO) run $(AIR_PACKAGE) -c .air.toml .PHONY: test test: test-frontend test-backend .PHONY: test-backend test-backend: @echo "Running go test with $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'..." @$(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' $(GO_TEST_PACKAGES) .PHONY: test-remote-cacher test-remote-cacher: @echo "Running go test with $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'..." @$(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' $(GO_TEST_REMOTE_CACHER_PACKAGES) .PHONY: test-frontend test-frontend: node_modules npx vitest .PHONY: test-frontend-coverage test-frontend-coverage: node_modules npx vitest --coverage --coverage.include 'web_src/**' .PHONY: test-check test-check: @echo "Running test-check..."; @diff=$$(git status -s); \ if [ -n "$$diff" ]; then \ echo "make test-backend has changed files in the source tree:"; \ echo "$${diff}"; \ echo "You should change the tests to create these files in a temporary directory."; \ echo "Do not simply add these files to .gitignore"; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: test\#% test\#%: @echo "Running go test with -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'..." @$(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -run $(subst .,/,$*) $(GO_TEST_PACKAGES) .PHONY: coverage coverage: grep '^\(mode: .*\)\|\(.*:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+,[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+ [0-9]\+ [0-9]\+\)$$' coverage.out > coverage-bodged.out grep '^\(mode: .*\)\|\(.*:[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+,[0-9]\+\.[0-9]\+ [0-9]\+ [0-9]\+\)$$' integration.coverage.out > integration.coverage-bodged.out $(GO) run build/gocovmerge.go integration.coverage-bodged.out coverage-bodged.out > coverage.all .PHONY: unit-test-coverage unit-test-coverage: @echo "Running unit-test-coverage $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)'..." @$(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -timeout=20m -tags='$(TEST_TAGS)' -cover -coverprofile coverage.out $(GO_TEST_PACKAGES) && echo "\n==>\033[32m Ok\033[m\n" || exit 1 .PHONY: tidy tidy: $(eval MIN_GO_VERSION := $(shell grep -Eo '^go\s+[0-9]+\.[0-9.]+' go.mod | cut -d' ' -f2)) $(GO) mod tidy -compat=$(MIN_GO_VERSION) @$(MAKE) --no-print-directory $(GO_LICENSE_FILE) vendor: go.mod go.sum $(GO) mod vendor @touch vendor .PHONY: tidy-check tidy-check: tidy @git diff --exit-code --color=always go.mod go.sum $(GO_LICENSE_FILE) \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make tidy' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: go-licenses go-licenses: $(GO_LICENSE_FILE) $(GO_LICENSE_FILE): go.mod go.sum -$(shell $(GO) env GOROOT)/bin/go run $(GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE) save . --force --save_path=$(GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) 2>/dev/null $(GO) run build/generate-go-licenses.go $(GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) $(GO_LICENSE_FILE) @rm -rf $(GO_LICENSE_TMP_DIR) generate-ini-sqlite: sed -e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \ tests/sqlite.ini.tmpl > tests/sqlite.ini .PHONY: test-sqlite test-sqlite: integrations.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test .PHONY: test-sqlite\#% test-sqlite\#%: integrations.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test -test.run $(subst .,/,$*) .PHONY: test-sqlite-migration test-sqlite-migration: migrations.sqlite.test migrations.individual.sqlite.test generate-ini-mysql: sed -e 's|{{TEST_MYSQL_HOST}}|${TEST_MYSQL_HOST}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_MYSQL_DBNAME}}|${TEST_MYSQL_DBNAME}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_MYSQL_USERNAME}}|${TEST_MYSQL_USERNAME}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_MYSQL_PASSWORD}}|${TEST_MYSQL_PASSWORD}|g' \ -e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \ tests/mysql.ini.tmpl > tests/mysql.ini .PHONY: test-mysql test-mysql: integrations.mysql.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test .PHONY: test-mysql\#% test-mysql\#%: integrations.mysql.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test -test.run $(subst .,/,$*) .PHONY: test-mysql-migration test-mysql-migration: migrations.mysql.test migrations.individual.mysql.test generate-ini-pgsql: sed -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_HOST}}|${TEST_PGSQL_HOST}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME}}|${TEST_PGSQL_DBNAME}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME}}|${TEST_PGSQL_USERNAME}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD}}|${TEST_PGSQL_PASSWORD}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_PGSQL_SCHEMA}}|${TEST_PGSQL_SCHEMA}|g' \ -e 's|{{REPO_TEST_DIR}}|${REPO_TEST_DIR}|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_LOGGER}}|$(or $(TEST_LOGGER),test$(COMMA)file)|g' \ -e 's|{{TEST_TYPE}}|$(or $(TEST_TYPE),integration)|g' \ tests/pgsql.ini.tmpl > tests/pgsql.ini .PHONY: test-pgsql test-pgsql: integrations.pgsql.test generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test .PHONY: test-pgsql\#% test-pgsql\#%: integrations.pgsql.test generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test -test.run $(subst .,/,$*) .PHONY: test-pgsql-migration test-pgsql-migration: migrations.pgsql.test migrations.individual.pgsql.test .PHONY: playwright playwright: deps-frontend npx playwright install $(PLAYWRIGHT_FLAGS) .PHONY: test-e2e% test-e2e%: TEST_TYPE ?= e2e # Clear display env variable. Otherwise, chromium tests can fail. DISPLAY= .PHONY: test-e2e test-e2e: test-e2e-sqlite .PHONY: test-e2e-sqlite test-e2e-sqlite: playwright e2e.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./e2e.sqlite.test -test.run TestE2e .PHONY: test-e2e-sqlite\#% test-e2e-sqlite\#%: playwright e2e.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./e2e.sqlite.test -test.run TestE2e/$* .PHONY: test-e2e-sqlite-firefox\#% test-e2e-sqlite-firefox\#%: playwright e2e.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini PLAYWRIGHT_PROJECT=firefox ./e2e.sqlite.test -test.run TestE2e/$* .PHONY: test-e2e-mysql test-e2e-mysql: playwright e2e.mysql.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./e2e.mysql.test -test.run TestE2e .PHONY: test-e2e-mysql\#% test-e2e-mysql\#%: playwright e2e.mysql.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./e2e.mysql.test -test.run TestE2e/$* .PHONY: test-e2e-pgsql test-e2e-pgsql: playwright e2e.pgsql.test generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./e2e.pgsql.test -test.run TestE2e .PHONY: test-e2e-pgsql\#% test-e2e-pgsql\#%: playwright e2e.pgsql.test generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./e2e.pgsql.test -test.run TestE2e/$* .PHONY: test-e2e-debugserver test-e2e-debugserver: e2e.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite sed -i s/3003/3000/g tests/sqlite.ini GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./e2e.sqlite.test -test.run TestDebugserver -test.timeout 24h .PHONY: bench-sqlite bench-sqlite: integrations.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.sqlite.test -test.cpuprofile=cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench . .PHONY: bench-mysql bench-mysql: integrations.mysql.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.mysql.test -test.cpuprofile=cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench . .PHONY: bench-pgsql bench-pgsql: integrations.pgsql.test generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./integrations.pgsql.test -test.cpuprofile=cpu.out -test.run DontRunTests -test.bench . .PHONY: integration-test-coverage integration-test-coverage: integrations.cover.test generate-ini-mysql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./integrations.cover.test -test.coverprofile=integration.coverage.out .PHONY: integration-test-coverage-sqlite integration-test-coverage-sqlite: integrations.cover.sqlite.test generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./integrations.cover.sqlite.test -test.coverprofile=integration.coverage.out integrations.mysql.test: git-check $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.mysql.test integrations.pgsql.test: git-check $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.pgsql.test integrations.sqlite.test: git-check $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -o integrations.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' integrations.cover.test: git-check $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -coverpkg $(shell echo $(GO_TEST_PACKAGES) | tr ' ' ',') -o integrations.cover.test integrations.cover.sqlite.test: git-check $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration -coverpkg $(shell echo $(GO_TEST_PACKAGES) | tr ' ' ',') -o integrations.cover.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' .PHONY: migrations.mysql.test migrations.mysql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-mysql $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.mysql.test GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini ./migrations.mysql.test .PHONY: migrations.pgsql.test migrations.pgsql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-pgsql $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.pgsql.test GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini ./migrations.pgsql.test .PHONY: migrations.sqlite.test migrations.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/integration/migration-test -o migrations.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini ./migrations.sqlite.test .PHONY: migrations.individual.mysql.test migrations.individual.mysql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) for pkg in $(MIGRATION_PACKAGES); do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/mysql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg || exit 1; \ done .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$* .PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test migrations.individual.pgsql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) for pkg in $(MIGRATION_PACKAGES); do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg || exit 1;\ done .PHONY: migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#% migrations.individual.pgsql.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-pgsql GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/pgsql.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$* .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test migrations.individual.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite for pkg in $(MIGRATION_PACKAGES); do \ GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' $$pkg || exit 1; \ done .PHONY: migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#% migrations.individual.sqlite.test\#%: $(GO_SOURCES) generate-ini-sqlite GITEA_ROOT="$(CURDIR)" GITEA_CONF=tests/sqlite.ini $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' code.gitea.io/gitea/models/migrations/$* e2e.mysql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.mysql.test e2e.pgsql.test: $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.pgsql.test e2e.sqlite.test: $(GO_SOURCES) $(GO) test $(GOTESTFLAGS) -c code.gitea.io/gitea/tests/e2e -o e2e.sqlite.test -tags '$(TEST_TAGS)' .PHONY: check check: test ### # Production / build targets ### .PHONY: install $(TAGS_PREREQ) install: $(wildcard *.go) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) install -v -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' .PHONY: build build: frontend backend .PHONY: frontend frontend: $(WEBPACK_DEST) .PHONY: backend backend: go-check generate-backend $(EXECUTABLE) # We generate the backend before the frontend in case we in future we want to generate things in the frontend from generated files in backend .PHONY: generate generate: generate-backend .PHONY: generate-backend generate-backend: $(TAGS_PREREQ) generate-go .PHONY: generate-go generate-go: $(TAGS_PREREQ) @echo "Running go generate..." @CC= GOOS= GOARCH= CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) generate -tags '$(TAGS)' ./... .PHONY: merge-locales merge-locales: @echo "NOT NEEDED: THIS IS A NOOP AS OF Forgejo 7.0 BUT KEPT FOR BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY" $(EXECUTABLE): $(GO_SOURCES) $(TAGS_PREREQ) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) build $(GOFLAGS) $(EXTRA_GOFLAGS) -tags '$(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w $(LDFLAGS)' -o $@ forgejo: $(EXECUTABLE) ln -f $(EXECUTABLE) forgejo static-executable: $(GO_SOURCES) $(TAGS_PREREQ) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) build $(GOFLAGS) $(EXTRA_GOFLAGS) -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-s -w -linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -o $(EXECUTABLE) .PHONY: release release: frontend generate release-linux release-copy release-compress vendor release-sources release-check # just the sources, with all assets builtin and frontend resources generated sources-tarbal: frontend generate vendor release-sources release-check $(DIST_DIRS): mkdir -p $(DIST_DIRS) .PHONY: release-windows release-windows: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -buildmode exe -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'windows/*' -out gitea-$(VERSION) . .PHONY: release-linux release-linux: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '-linkmode external -extldflags "-static" $(LDFLAGS)' -targets '$(LINUX_ARCHS)' -out forgejo-$(VERSION) . ifeq ($(CI),true) cp /build/* $(DIST)/binaries endif .PHONY: release-darwin release-darwin: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'darwin-10.12/amd64,darwin-10.12/arm64' -out gitea-$(VERSION) . .PHONY: release-freebsd release-freebsd: | $(DIST_DIRS) CGO_CFLAGS="$(CGO_CFLAGS)" $(GO) run $(XGO_PACKAGE) -go $(XGO_VERSION) -dest $(DIST)/binaries -tags 'netgo osusergo $(TAGS)' -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' -targets 'freebsd/amd64' -out gitea-$(VERSION) . .PHONY: release-copy release-copy: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST); for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do cp $${file} ./release/; done; .PHONY: release-check release-check: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST)/release/; for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do echo "checksumming $${file}" && $(SHASUM) `echo $${file} | sed 's/^..//'` > $${file}.sha256; done; .PHONY: release-compress release-compress: | $(DIST_DIRS) cd $(DIST)/release/; for file in `find . -type f -name "*"`; do echo "compressing $${file}" && $(GO) run $(GXZ_PACKAGE) -k -9 $${file}; done; .PHONY: release-sources release-sources: | $(DIST_DIRS) echo $(VERSION) > $(STORED_VERSION_FILE) # bsdtar needs a ^ to prevent matching subdirectories $(eval EXCL := --exclude=$(shell tar --help | grep -q bsdtar && echo "^")./) # use transform to a add a release-folder prefix; in bsdtar the transform parameter equivalent is -s $(eval TRANSFORM := $(shell tar --help | grep -q bsdtar && echo "-s '/^./forgejo-src-$(VERSION)/'" || echo "--transform 's|^./|forgejo-src-$(VERSION)/|'")) tar $(addprefix $(EXCL),$(TAR_EXCLUDES)) $(TRANSFORM) -czf $(DIST)/release/forgejo-src-$(VERSION).tar.gz . rm -f $(STORED_VERSION_FILE) .PHONY: release-docs release-docs: | $(DIST_DIRS) docs tar -czf $(DIST)/release/gitea-docs-$(VERSION).tar.gz -C ./docs . .PHONY: docker docker: docker build --disable-content-trust=false -t $(DOCKER_REF) . # support also build args docker build --build-arg GITEA_VERSION=v1.2.3 --build-arg TAGS="bindata sqlite sqlite_unlock_notify" . ### # Dependency management ### .PHONY: deps deps: deps-frontend deps-backend deps-tools deps-py .PHONY: deps-py deps-py: .venv .PHONY: deps-frontend deps-frontend: node_modules .PHONY: deps-backend deps-backend: $(GO) mod download .PHONY: deps-tools deps-tools: $(GO) install $(AIR_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(EDITORCONFIG_CHECKER_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GOFUMPT_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GOLANGCI_LINT_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GXZ_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(MISSPELL_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(SWAGGER_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(XGO_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GO_LICENSES_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GOVULNCHECK_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GOMOCK_PACKAGE) $(GO) install $(GOPLS_PACKAGE) node_modules: package-lock.json npm install --no-save @touch node_modules .venv: poetry.lock poetry install @touch .venv .PHONY: fomantic fomantic: rm -rf $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npm install --no-save cp -f $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/theme.config.less $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/theme.config cp -rf $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/_site $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/src/ $(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/ overrideBrowserslist\r/ overrideBrowserslist: ["defaults"]\r/g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/node_modules/fomantic-ui/tasks/config/tasks.js cd $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR) && npx gulp -f node_modules/fomantic-ui/gulpfile.js build # fomantic uses "touchstart" as click event for some browsers, it's not ideal, so we force fomantic to always use "click" as click event $(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/clickEvent[ \t]*=/clickEvent = "click", unstableClickEvent =/g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/semantic.js $(SED_INPLACE) -e 's/\r//g' $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/semantic.css $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/semantic.js rm -f $(FOMANTIC_WORK_DIR)/build/*.min.* .PHONY: webpack webpack: $(WEBPACK_DEST) $(WEBPACK_DEST): $(WEBPACK_SOURCES) $(WEBPACK_CONFIGS) package-lock.json @$(MAKE) -s node-check node_modules @rm -rf $(WEBPACK_DEST_ENTRIES) @echo "Running webpack..." @BROWSERSLIST_IGNORE_OLD_DATA=true npx webpack @touch $(WEBPACK_DEST) .PHONY: svg svg: node-check | node_modules rm -rf $(SVG_DEST_DIR) node tools/generate-svg.js .PHONY: svg-check svg-check: svg @git add $(SVG_DEST_DIR) @git diff --exit-code --color=always --cached $(SVG_DEST_DIR) \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'make svg' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: lockfile-check lockfile-check: npm install --package-lock-only @git diff --exit-code --color=always package-lock.json \ || (code=$$?; echo "Please run 'npm install --package-lock-only' and commit the result"; exit $${code}) .PHONY: generate-license generate-license: $(GO) run build/generate-licenses.go .PHONY: generate-gitignore generate-gitignore: $(GO) run build/generate-gitignores.go .PHONY: generate-gomock generate-gomock: $(GO) run $(GOMOCK_PACKAGE) -package mock -destination ./modules/queue/mock/redisuniversalclient.go github.com/redis/go-redis/v9 UniversalClient .PHONY: generate-images generate-images: | node_modules npm install --no-save fabric@6 imagemin-zopfli@7 node tools/generate-images.js $(TAGS) .PHONY: generate-manpage generate-manpage: @[ -f gitea ] || make backend @mkdir -p man/man1/ man/man5 @./gitea docs --man > man/man1/gitea.1 @gzip -9 man/man1/gitea.1 && echo man/man1/gitea.1.gz created @#TODO A small script that formats config-cheat-sheet.en-us.md nicely for use as a config man page # This endif closes the if at the top of the file endif # Disable parallel execution because it would break some targets that don't # specify exact dependencies like 'backend' which does currently not depend # on 'frontend' to enable Node.js-less builds from source tarballs. .NOTPARALLEL: