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mirror of https://github.com/wlinator/luminara.git synced 2024-10-03 00:03:13 +00:00
2023-07-15 11:33:58 -04:00

83 lines
6.2 KiB

"0-10": [
"Behold, the arrival of **Level {}**. Let's all try not to yawn too loudly.",
"Congratulations on reaching **Level {}**. It's like leveling up, but without the fanfare.",
"At **Level {}**, you're slowly but surely ascending the ladder of \"success\"...",
"Rejoice! **Level {}** has been achieved. It's time to throw a party with a side of meh.",
"You've reached **Level {}**, where the bar is set low and the excitement is mild.",
"Welcome to **Level {}**, the land of marginal achievements and faint praise.",
"It's time to celebrate! You've unlocked the 'Slightly Better Than Before' achievement at **Level {}**.",
"Congratulations on your promotion to **Level {}**. It's like climbing a tiny hill.",
"At **Level {}**, you're steadily inching closer to the realm of almost impressive.",
"**Level {}** has been reached! Get ready for a ripple of apathetic applause.",
"Alert! **Level {}** has been reached. Don't worry, it's not that exciting.",
"Rumor has it that reaching **Level {}** grants you the ability to mildly impress others.",
"**Level {}** is here! Prepare for a slightly raised eyebrow of acknowledgement.",
"Congratulations on reaching **Level {}**. It's a modest achievement, to say the least.",
"Congratulations on **Level {}**! You must be SO proud of yourself. \uD83D\uDE44",
"**Level {}**! Slow and steady wins the race... except when it comes to leveling up.",
"Attention, **Level {}**! Your achievement is about as significant as a grain of sand.",
"Congratulations on your ascent to **Level {}**. It's a small step for mankind.",
"At **Level {}**, you're like a firework that fizzles out before it even begins."
"11-20": [
"Congratulations motherfucker you leveled the fuck up to **Level {}**.",
"levle **{}** cmoning in! Let's celbraet!",
"yay you reach the level **{}** waw you are so cool many time",
"omg senpai you weach wevew **{}**",
"reached **Level {}** but you'll never get on MY level HAAHAHAHAHA",
"*elevator music* Welcome to **level {}**."
"21-40": [
"Oh my god! Did you set up a macro for this? You're **level {}**!",
"**Level {}**. If you don't stop leveling up... **I am going to commit a fucking war crime.**",
"**Level {}** 👍",
"Wow you're **level {}**. I regret not just using Tatsumaki bot for this.",
"**Level {}**. If you don't stop leveling up, I might have to stage an intervention. Discord addiction is real!",
"**Level {}**. Are you sure your life isn't just an elaborate Discord role-playing game?",
"Look who's slacking off work to level up on Discord. **Level {}** and counting!",
"**Level {}**? Have you considered that there might be an entire world outside of Discord?",
"Congratulations on reaching **level {}**. Your dedication to Discord is truly unparalleled.",
"Wow, you've climbed to **level {}**. Is Discord your full-time job now?",
"**Level {}**. I bet your parents are so proud of the countless hours you've spent on Discord.",
"Oh look, it's **level {}**! Are you sure you're not secretly a Discord bot in disguise?",
"Achievement unlocked: **level {}**! You must have broken Discord's leveling algorithm by now.",
"You've reached **level {}**. I hope you're using your Discord powers for good and not just spamming memes.",
"**Level {}** and still going strong. Who needs a social life when you have Discord, right?",
"Oh, **level {}**. I'm starting to think you might actually be a sentient Discord notification.",
"Congratulations on leveling up to **level {}**. I hope Discord gives you a lifetime supply of virtual cookies.",
"**Level {}**. At this rate, you'll surpass even the Discord founders in Discord addiction.",
"Look who's made it to **level {}**. I'm starting to think you're more Discord than human.",
"Wow, **level {}**! Do you ever wonder if Discord should be paying you a salary at this point?",
"Congratulations on reaching **level {}**. Your dedication to Discord is both awe-inspiring and mildly concerning.",
"You've unlocked the 'Master of Procrastination' achievement at **level {}**. Your parents must be so proud.",
"**Level {}**? I bet you have more Discord badges than real-life achievements.",
"Well, well, well, **level {}**. Your Discord addiction is reaching legendary status."
"41-60": [
"You've reached **Level {}**. Stop. Just stop. You've had enough of this app. Go away.",
"TOUCH GRASS. You didn't deserve **Level {}** but here it is I guess..",
"I'm so tired of giving you levels. I'm not even going to say which level you just reached. Just kidding it's **Level {}**.",
"Oh, look who's flexing their **Level {}** status. Don't strain a muscle.",
"Congratulations on reaching **Level {}**. Are you trying to make the rest of us feel inadequate?",
"Breaking news: **Level {}** has officially mastered the art of pressing buttons. Amazing.",
"Hats off to **Level {}**. Your dedication is truly admirable... or slightly concerning.",
"Are you okay...? **Level {}** is seriously unhealthy bro. Sleep.",
"STOP. LEVELING. LEAVE. ME. ALONE. Here's your damn level: **{}**",
"**Level {}**. The second-hand embarrassment is real."
"61-100000": [
"You've weached **W-Wevew {}**. stawp. Just stawp. Y-Y-You've had enyough of this a-app. Go a-away.",
"TOUCH GWASS. Y-You didn't d-desewve **W-Wevew {}** but h-hewe it is I guess..",
"I'm so tiwed of giving you w-wevews. I'm nyot even going to say which wevew you just weached. Just kidding it's **{}**.",
"Oh, wook who's fwexing theiw **W-Wevew {}** status. Don't stwain a muscwe.",
"Congwatuwations on weaching **W-Wevew {}**. Awe you twying to make the w-west of us feew inyadequate?",
"Bweaking nyews: **W-Wevew {}** has officiawwy wiciawwy mastewed the awt of pwessing buttons. Amazing.",
"Hats o-o-off to **W-Wevew {}**. Youw dedication is twuwy wuwy admiwabwe... ow swightwy wightwy concewnying.",
"Awe you okay...? **W-Wevew {}** i-is s-s-sewiouswy wewiouswy unheawthy weawthy bwo. Sweep.",
"STAWP. WEVEWING. WEAVE. ME. AWONYE. Hewe's youw dawn wevew: **{}**",
"**Wevew {}**. The second-hand embawwassment is w-w-weaw."