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mirror of https://github.com/wlinator/luminara.git synced 2024-10-03 00:23:13 +00:00
2023-10-28 15:08:53 +02:00

65 lines
4.6 KiB

"error_hierarchy": "❌ | **{0}** you can't perform this action because the target user is equal or higher than you in the role hierarchy.",
"error_missing_permissions": "❌ | **{0}** you are missing permissions to run this command.",
"error_mod_invoke_error": "❌ | **{0}** I couldn't perform this action, most likely because I don't have the required permissions.",
"error_bot_missing_permissions": "❌ | **{0}** I can't perform this command because I don't have the required permissions.",
"error_no_dm": "The user couldn't be notified about this action in DMs. Most likely because they disabled direct messages in privacy settings.",
"mod_kick": "\uD83D\uDC77 | **{0}** you successfully kicked **{1}**.",
"mod_kick_dm": "\uD83D\uDC77 | **{0}** you have been kicked from **{1}**.",
"mod_ban": "\uD83D\uDC77 | **{0}** you successfully banned **{1}**.",
"mod_ban_dm": "\uD83D\uDC77 | **{0}** you have been banned from **{1}**.",
"ping": "\uD83C\uDFD3 | **{0}** I'm online.",
"restarting": "Restarting Racu...",
"restart_error": "Error executing the script: {0}",
"intro_muted": "You're muted in the Rave Cave. You can't perform this command.",
"intro_no_perms": "It seems that you don't have permission to do that!",
"intro_start_descr": "This command will serve as a questionnaire for you entry to {0}. Please keep your answers \"PG-13\"",
"intro_start_short": "Click the blue button to use the short form, this one has 6 questions.",
"intro_start_extended": "The green button will start the extended introduction, this one takes a bit longer but gives a more detailed portrayal of you.",
"intro_start_footer": "Please don't abuse this command.",
"intro_nickname": "How would you like to be identified in the server?",
"intro_age": "How old are you?",
"intro_location": "Where do you live?",
"intro_pronouns": "What are your preferred pronouns?",
"intro_likes": "Likes & interests.",
"intro_dislikes": "Dislikes.",
"intro_languages": "Which languages do you speak?",
"intro_sexuality": "What's your sexuality?",
"intro_rel_status": "What's your relationship status?",
"intro_extras": "EXTRAS: job status, zodiac sign, hobbies, etc. Tell us about yourself!",
"intro_recorded": "Recorded answer: {0}",
"intro_display_content": "Introduction by {0}",
"award_error": "Something went wrong. Check console.",
"give_error": "Something funky happened. Let Tess know.",
"gambling_error": "Something went wrong during the gambling command: {0}",
"duel_yourself": "You cannot duel yourself.",
"duel_bot": "You cannot duel a bit.",
"duel_opponent_no_balance": "Woops, you can't do that because **{}** has no money.",
"duel_all_in": " | opponent's all-in",
"duel_challenge": "**{0}** challenges {1} to a duel ({2}{3}{4})\nUse the buttons to accept/deny (challenge expires after 60s)",
"duel_results": "{1} wins **{2}{3}**\n{4} loses this bet.",
"duel_cancel": "**{0}** canceled the duel.",
"duel_time": "Time ran out.",
"stats_all_title": "Total Racu Stats - {0}",
"stats_all_footer": "Want to see your own stats? Do '/stats me'.",
"stats_games": "Games played: {0}",
"stats_games_valuet": "Games played: **{0}**\nGames won: **{1}**\nGames lost: **{2}**",
"stats_games_value": "`{0}` wins & `{1}` losses.",
"stats_cashflow": "Cashflow",
"stats_cashflow_value": "Total bets/payouts: `${0}` / `${1}`",
"stats_roi": "Return of investment",
"stats_roi_value": "Profit margin: **{0}**%",
"stats_blackjack": "\uD83C\uDCCF | You've played **{0}** games of BlackJack, betting a total of **${1}**. You won **{2}** of those games with a total payout of **${3}**.",
"stats_slots": "\uD83C\uDFB0 | You've played **{0}** games of Slots, betting a total of **${1}**. Your total payout was **${2}**.",
"daily_no_claim": "❌ | **{0}** please wait. Your daily reward can be claimed again <t:{1}:R>.",
"daily_claim": "\uD83D\uDCB8 | **{0}**, here is your daily reward of **${1}**!",
"daily_streak": "\uD83D\uDCC5 | You're on a streak of **{0} days**!",
"level_up": "\uD83D\uDCC8 | **{0}** you have reached **Level {1}**",
"level_up_prefix": "\uD83D\uDCC8 | **{0}** ",
"level_up_reward": "\uD83C\uDD99 | **{0}** congratulations! You've reached **Level {1}** and earned a new level role!",
"bet_limit": "❌ | **{0}** you cannot place any bets above **${1}**.",
"birthday_invalid_date": "❌ | **{0}** the date you entered is invalid.",
"birthday_set": "✅ | **{0}** your birthday was set to **{1} {2}**.",
"birthday_override": "✅ | **{0}** you set the birthday of user **{1}** to **{2} {3}**.",
"uptime": "\uD83D\uDD52 | **{0}** I have been online for **{1}**"