Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/wlinator/luminara.git synced 2024-10-02 20:43:12 +00:00

325 lines
21 KiB

"admin_award_description": "awarded **${0}** to {1}.",
"admin_award_title": "Awarded Currency",
"admin_blacklist_author": "User Blacklisted",
"admin_blacklist_description": "user `{0}` has been blacklisted from Luminara.",
"admin_blacklist_footer": "There is no process to reinstate a blacklisted user. Appeals are not considered.",
"admin_sql_inject_description": "```sql\n{0}\n```",
"admin_sql_inject_error_description": "```sql\n{0}\n```\n```\n{1}\n```",
"admin_sql_inject_error_title": "SQL Query Error",
"admin_sql_inject_title": "SQL Query Executed",
"admin_sql_select_description": "```sql\nSELECT {0}\n```\n```\n{1}\n```",
"admin_sql_select_error_description": "```sql\nSELECT {0}\n```\n```\n{1}\n```",
"admin_sql_select_error_title": "SQL Select Query Error",
"admin_sql_select_title": "SQL Select Query",
"admin_sync_description": "command tree synced successfully.",
"admin_sync_error_description": "An error occurred while syncing: {0}",
"admin_sync_error_title": "Sync Error",
"admin_sync_title": "Sync Successful",
"balance_author": "{0}'s wallet",
"balance_cash": "**Cash**: ${0}",
"balance_footer": "check out /daily",
"bet_limit": "\u274c | **{0}** you cannot place any bets above **${1}**.",
"birthday_add_invalid_date": "The date you entered is invalid.",
"birthday_add_success_author": "Birthday Set",
"birthday_add_success_description": "your birthday has been set to **{0} {1}**.",
"birthday_check_error": "Birthday announcement skipped processing user/guild {0}/{1} | {2}",
"birthday_check_finished": "Daily birthday check finished. {0} birthdays processed. {1} birthdays failed.",
"birthday_check_skipped": "Birthday announcements in guild with ID {0} skipped: no birthday channel.",
"birthday_check_started": "Daily birthday check started.",
"birthday_check_success": "Birthday announcement Success! user/guild/chan ID: {0}/{1}/{2}",
"birthday_delete_success_author": "Birthday Deleted",
"birthday_delete_success_description": "your birthday has been deleted from this server.",
"birthday_leap_year": "February 29",
"birthday_upcoming_author": "Upcoming Birthdays!",
"birthday_upcoming_description_line": "\ud83c\udf82 {0} - {1}",
"birthday_upcoming_no_birthdays": "there are no upcoming birthdays in this server.",
"birthday_upcoming_no_birthdays_author": "No Upcoming Birthdays",
"blackjack_bet": "Bet ${0}",
"blackjack_busted": "Busted..",
"blackjack_dealer_busted": "The dealer busted. You won!",
"blackjack_dealer_hand": "**Dealer**\nScore: {0}\n*Hand: {1}*",
"blackjack_dealer_hidden": "??",
"blackjack_deck_shuffled": "deck shuffled",
"blackjack_description": "You | Score: {0}\nDealer | Score: {1}",
"blackjack_error": "I.. don't know if you won?",
"blackjack_error_description": "This is an error, please report it.",
"blackjack_footer": "Game finished",
"blackjack_hit": "hit",
"blackjack_lost": "You lost **${0}**.",
"blackjack_lost_generic": "You lost..",
"blackjack_player_hand": "**You**\nScore: {0}\n*Hand: {1}*",
"blackjack_stand": "stand",
"blackjack_title": "BlackJack",
"blackjack_won_21": "You won with a score of 21!",
"blackjack_won_natural": "You won with a natural hand!",
"blackjack_won_payout": "You won **${0}**.",
"boost_default_description": "Thanks for boosting, **{0}**!!",
"boost_default_title": "New Booster",
"case_case_field": "Case:",
"case_case_field_value": "`{0}`",
"case_duration_field": "Duration:",
"case_duration_field_value": "`{0}`",
"case_guild_cases_author": "All Cases in this Server",
"case_guild_no_cases": "this server doesn't have any mod cases yet.",
"case_guild_no_cases_author": "No Mod Cases",
"case_mod_cases_author": "Cases by Moderator ({0})",
"case_mod_no_cases": "this user has not handled any cases in this server.",
"case_mod_no_cases_author": "No Mod Cases",
"case_moderator_field": "Moderator:",
"case_moderator_field_value": "`{0}`",
"case_new_case_author": "New Case",
"case_reason_field": "Reason:",
"case_reason_field_value": "`{0}`",
"case_reason_update_author": "Case Reason Updated",
"case_reason_update_description": "case `{0}` reason has been updated.",
"case_target_field": "Target:",
"case_target_field_value": "`{0}` \ud83c\udfaf",
"case_type_field": "Type:",
"case_type_field_value": "`{0}`",
"case_type_field_value_with_duration": "`{0} ({1})`",
"coinflip_correct_prediction_author": "Correct Prediction!",
"coinflip_correct_prediction_description": "the coin landed on **{0}**. You predicted correctly!",
"coinflip_flipping_animation_1": "\ud83e\ude99 Flipping...",
"coinflip_flipping_animation_2": "\ud83e\ude99 Flipping..",
"coinflip_flipping_animation_3": "\ud83e\ude99 Flipping.",
"coinflip_flipping_author": "flipping a Coin",
"coinflip_flipping_description": "the coin is in the air...",
"coinflip_invalid_prediction_description": "please enter a valid prediction ('heads'/'h' or 'tails'/'t').",
"coinflip_result_author": "Coin Flip Result",
"coinflip_result_description": "the coin landed on **{0}**.",
"coinflip_wrong_prediction_author": "Wrong Prediction",
"coinflip_wrong_prediction_description": "the coin landed on **{0}**. Your prediction was incorrect.",
"config_author": "Server Configuration",
"config_birthday_channel_set": "birthday announcements will be sent in {0}.",
"config_birthday_module_already_disabled": "the birthday module was already disabled.",
"config_birthday_module_disabled": "the birthday module was successfully disabled.",
"config_boost_channel_set": "boost announcements will be sent in {0}.",
"config_boost_image_field": "New Image URL:",
"config_boost_image_original": "Original (default)",
"config_boost_image_updated": "the boost image has been updated.",
"config_boost_module_already_disabled": "the boost module was already disabled.",
"config_boost_module_disabled": "the boost module was successfully disabled.",
"config_boost_template_field": "New Template:",
"config_boost_template_updated": "the boost message template has been updated.",
"config_boost_total_count": "Total server boosts: {0}",
"config_example_next_footer": "An example will be sent next.",
"config_level_channel_set": "all level announcements will be sent in {0}.",
"config_level_current_channel_set": "members will receive level announcements in their current channel.",
"config_level_module_already_enabled": "the Lumi XP system was already enabled.",
"config_level_module_disabled": "the Lumi XP system was successfully disabled.",
"config_level_module_disabled_warning": "Warning: this module is disabled, please do '/config levels enable'",
"config_level_module_enabled": "the Lumi XP system was successfully enabled.",
"config_level_template": "Template:",
"config_level_template_updated": "the level template was successfully updated.",
"config_level_type_example": "Example:",
"config_level_type_generic": "level announcements will be **generic messages**.",
"config_level_type_generic_example": "\ud83d\udcc8 | **lucas** you have reached **Level 15**.",
"config_level_type_whimsical": "level announcements will be **sarcastic comments**.",
"config_level_type_whimsical_example": "\ud83d\udcc8 | **lucas** Lol it took you this long to reach **Level 15**.",
"config_modlog_channel_set": "moderation logs will be sent in {0}.",
"config_modlog_info_author": "Moderation Log Configuration",
"config_modlog_info_commands_name": "\ud83d\udcd6 Case commands",
"config_modlog_info_commands_value": "`/cases` - View all cases in this server\n`/case <case_id>` - View a specific case\n`/editcase <case_id> <new_reason>` - Update a case reason",
"config_modlog_info_description": "This channel has been set as the moderation log channel for **{0}**. All moderation actions issued with Lumi will be logged here as cases.",
"config_modlog_info_warning_name": "\u26a0\ufe0f Warning",
"config_modlog_info_warning_value": "Changing the mod-log channel in the future will make old cases uneditable in this channel.",
"config_modlog_permission_error": "I don't have perms to send messages in that channel. Please fix & try again.",
"config_prefix_get": "the current prefix for this server is `{0}`",
"config_prefix_set": "the prefix has been set to `{0}`",
"config_prefix_too_long": "the prefix must be 25 characters or less.",
"config_show_author": "{0} Configuration",
"config_show_birthdays": "Birthdays",
"config_show_boost_announcements": "Boost announcements",
"config_show_default_enabled": "\u2705 Enabled (default)",
"config_show_disabled": "\u274c Disabled",
"config_show_enabled": "\u2705 Enabled",
"config_show_guide": "Guide: {0}",
"config_show_level_announcements": "Level announcements",
"config_show_moderation_log": "Moderation Log",
"config_show_moderation_log_channel_deleted": "\u26a0\ufe0f **Not configured** (channel deleted?)",
"config_show_moderation_log_enabled": "\u2705 {0}",
"config_show_moderation_log_not_configured": "\u26a0\ufe0f **Not configured yet**",
"config_show_new_member_greets": "New member greets",
"config_welcome_channel_set": "I will announce new members in {0}.",
"config_welcome_module_already_disabled": "the greeting module was already disabled.",
"config_welcome_module_disabled": "the greeting module was successfully disabled.",
"config_welcome_template_field": "New Template:",
"config_welcome_template_updated": "the welcome message template has been updated.",
"config_xpreward_added": "xp reward for **Level {0}** with role {1} has been added.",
"config_xpreward_removed": "xp reward for **Level {0}** has been removed.",
"config_xpreward_show_no_rewards": "**There are no XP rewards set up yet.**\n\nTo add a reward, use `/config xpreward add`.",
"daily_already_claimed_author": "Already Claimed",
"daily_already_claimed_description": "you can claim your daily reward again <t:{0}:R>.",
"daily_already_claimed_footer": "Daily reset is at 7 AM EST",
"daily_streak_footer": "You're on a streak of {0} days",
"daily_success_claim_author": "Reward Claimed",
"daily_success_claim_description": "you claimed your reward of **${0}**!",
"default_level_up_message": "**{0}** you have reached **Level {1}**.",
"dev_clear_tree": "The application command tree has been cleared.",
"dev_stop_note": "Stopping the bot...\n-# Note: if Luminara is running with Docker Compose, this will restart the container.",
"dev_sync_tree": "The application command tree has been synced.",
"error_actionable_hierarchy_bot": "I don't have permission to perform this action on this user due to role hierarchy.",
"error_actionable_hierarchy_user": "you don't have permission to perform this action on this user due to role hierarchy.",
"error_actionable_self": "you can't perform this action on yourself.",
"error_already_flipping_coin_description": "you already have a coinflip running.",
"error_already_playing_blackjack": "you already have a game of blackjack running.",
"error_birthdays_disabled_author": "Birthdays Disabled",
"error_birthdays_disabled_description": "birthdays are disabled in this server.",
"error_birthdays_disabled_footer": "Contact a mod to enable them.",
"error_blackjack_game_error": "something went wrong while playing blackjack.",
"error_boost_image_url_invalid": "the image URL must end with `.jpg` or `.png`.",
"error_bot_missing_permissions_author": "Bot Missing Permissions",
"error_bot_missing_permissions_description": "Lumi lacks the required permissions to run this command.",
"error_cant_use_buttons": "You can't use these buttons, they're someone else's!",
"error_command_cooldown_author": "Command Cooldown",
"error_command_cooldown_description": "try again in **{0:02d}:{1:02d}**.",
"error_command_not_found": "No command called \"{0}\" found.",
"error_image_url_invalid": "invalid image URL.",
"error_invalid_bet": "the bet you entered is invalid.",
"error_invalid_duration": "Invalid duration: {0}",
"error_invalid_duration_author": "Invalid Duration",
"error_invalid_duration_description": "Please provide a valid duration between 1 minute and 30 days.",
"error_lumi_exception_author": "Lumi Exception",
"error_lumi_exception_description": "{0}",
"error_missing_permissions_author": "Missing Permissions",
"error_missing_permissions_description": "you lack the required permissions to run this command.",
"error_no_case_found_author": "Case Not Found",
"error_no_case_found_description": "no case found with that ID.",
"error_no_private_message_author": "Guild Only",
"error_no_private_message_description": "this command can only be used in servers.",
"error_not_enough_cash": "you don't have enough cash.",
"error_not_owner": "{0} tried to use a bot admin command ({1})",
"error_not_owner_unknown": "Unknown",
"error_nsfw_channel_required_description": "this command can only be used in Age-Restricted (NSFW) channels.",
"error_out_of_time": "you ran out of time.",
"error_out_of_time_economy": "you ran out of time. Your bet was forfeited.",
"error_private_message_only_author": "Private Message Only",
"error_private_message_only_description": "this command can only be used in private messages.",
"error_unknown_error_author": "Unknown Error",
"error_unknown_error_description": "an unknown error occurred. Please try again later.",
"give_error_bot": "you can't give money to a bot.",
"give_error_insufficient_funds": "you don't have enough cash.",
"give_error_invalid_amount": "invalid amount.",
"give_error_self": "you can't give money to yourself.",
"give_success": "you gave **${1}** to {2}.",
"greet_default_description": "_ _\n**Welcome** to **{0}**",
"greet_template_description": "\u2193\u2193\u2193\n{0}",
"help_footer": "Help Service",
"help_use_prefix": "Please use Lumi's prefix to get help. Type `{0}help`",
"info_api_version": "**discord.py:** v{0}\n",
"info_database_records": "**Database:** {0} records",
"info_latency": "**Latency:** {0}ms\n",
"info_memory": "**Memory:** {0:.2f} MB\n",
"info_service_footer": "Info Service",
"info_system": "**System:** {0} ({1})\n",
"info_uptime": "**Uptime:** <t:{0}:R>\n",
"inspirobot_author": "InspiroBot (AI Generated)",
"intro_content": "Introduction by {0}",
"intro_content_footer": "Type .intro in my DMs to start",
"intro_no_channel": "the introduction channel is not set, please contact a moderator.",
"intro_no_channel_author": "Channel Not Set",
"intro_no_guild": "you're not in a server that supports introductions.",
"intro_no_guild_author": "Server Not Supported",
"intro_post_confirmation": "your introduction has been posted in {0}!",
"intro_post_confirmation_author": "Introduction Posted",
"intro_preview_field": "**{0}:** {1}\n\n",
"intro_question_footer": "Type your answer below.",
"intro_service_name": "Introduction Service",
"intro_start": "this command will serve as a questionnaire for your entry to {0}. Please keep your answers \"PG-13\" and don't abuse this command.",
"intro_start_footer": "Click the button below to start",
"intro_stopped": "the introduction command was stopped.",
"intro_stopped_author": "Introduction Stopped",
"intro_timeout": "you took too long to answer the question, please try again.",
"intro_timeout_author": "Timeout",
"intro_too_long": "your answer was too long, please keep it below 200 characters.",
"intro_too_long_author": "Answer Too Long",
"invite_author": "Invite Lumi",
"invite_button_text": "Invite Lumi",
"invite_description": "thanks for inviting me to your server!",
"level_up": "\ud83d\udcc8 | **{0}** you have reached **Level {1}**.",
"level_up_prefix": "\ud83d\udcc8 | **{0}** ",
"lumi_exception_blacklisted": "User is blacklisted",
"lumi_exception_generic": "An error occurred. Please try again later.",
"mod_ban_dm": "**{0}** you have been banned from `{1}`.\n\n**Reason:** `{2}`",
"mod_banned_author": "User Banned",
"mod_banned_user": "user `{0}` has been banned.",
"mod_dm_not_sent": "Failed to notify them in DM",
"mod_dm_sent": "notified them in DM",
"mod_kick_dm": "**{0}** you have been kicked from `{1}`.\n\n**Reason:** `{2}`",
"mod_kicked_author": "User Kicked",
"mod_kicked_user": "user `{0}` has been kicked.",
"mod_no_reason": "No reason provided.",
"mod_not_banned": "user with ID `{0}` is not banned.",
"mod_not_banned_author": "User Not Banned",
"mod_not_timed_out": "user `{0}` is not timed out.",
"mod_not_timed_out_author": "User Not Timed Out",
"mod_reason": "Moderator: {0} | Reason: {1}",
"mod_softban_dm": "**{0}** you have been softbanned from `{1}`.\n\n**Reason:** `{2}`",
"mod_softban_unban_reason": "Softban by {0}",
"mod_softbanned_author": "User Softbanned",
"mod_softbanned_user": "user `{0}` has been softbanned.",
"mod_timed_out_author": "User Timed Out",
"mod_timed_out_user": "user `{0}` has been timed out.",
"mod_timeout_dm": "**{0}** you have been timed out in `{1}` for `{2}`.\n\n**Reason:** `{3}`",
"mod_timeout_too_long": "you cannot timeout a user for longer than 27 days.",
"mod_unbanned": "user `{0}` has been unbanned.",
"mod_unbanned_author": "User Unbanned",
"mod_untimed_out": "timeout has been removed for user `{0}`.",
"mod_untimed_out_author": "User Timeout Removed",
"mod_warn_dm": "**{0}** you have been warned in `{1}`.\n\n**Reason:** `{2}`",
"mod_warned_author": "User Warned",
"mod_warned_user": "user `{0}` has been warned.",
"ping_author": "I'm online!",
"ping_footer": "Latency: {0}ms",
"ping_pong": "pong!",
"ping_uptime": "I've been online since <t:{0}:R>.",
"slowmode_channel_not_found": "Channel not found.",
"slowmode_current_value": "The current slowmode for {0} is **{1}s**.",
"slowmode_forbidden": "I don't have permission to change the slowmode in that channel.",
"slowmode_invalid_duration": "Slowmode duration must be between 0 and 21600 seconds.",
"slowmode_success": "Slowmode set to **{0}s** in {1}.",
"stats_blackjack": "\ud83c\udccf | You've played **{0}** games of BlackJack, betting a total of **${1}**. You won **{2}** of those games with a total payout of **${3}**.",
"stats_slots": "\ud83c\udfb0 | You've played **{0}** games of Slots, betting a total of **${1}**. Your total payout was **${2}**.",
"trigger_already_exists": "Failed to add custom reaction. This text already contains another trigger. To avoid unexpected behavior, please delete it before adding a new one.",
"trigger_limit_reached": "Failed to add custom reaction. You have reached the limit of 100 custom reactions for this server.",
"triggers_add_author": "Custom Reaction Created",
"triggers_add_description": "**Trigger Text:** `{0}`\n**Reaction Type:** {1}\n**Full Match:** `{2}`\n",
"triggers_add_emoji_details": "**Emoji ID:** `{0}`",
"triggers_add_text_details": "**Response:** `{0}`",
"triggers_delete_author": "Custom Reaction Deleted",
"triggers_delete_description": "custom reaction has been successfully deleted.",
"triggers_delete_not_found_author": "Custom Reaction Not Found",
"triggers_list_custom_reaction_id": "**ID:** {0}",
"triggers_list_custom_reactions_title": "Custom Reactions",
"triggers_list_emoji_id": "**Emoji ID:** `{0}`",
"triggers_list_full_match": "**Full Match:** `{0}`",
"triggers_list_reaction_type": "**Reaction Type:** {0}",
"triggers_list_response": "**Response:** `{0}`",
"triggers_list_trigger_text": "**Trigger Text:** `{0}`",
"triggers_list_usage_count": "**Usage Count:** `{0}`",
"triggers_no_reactions_description": "There are no custom reactions set up yet.\n\nTo create a new custom reaction, use the following commands:\n`/trigger add emoji` - Add a new custom emoji reaction.\n`/trigger add response` - Add a new custom text reaction.\n\n**Emoji Reaction:**\nAn emoji reaction will react with a specific emoji when the trigger text is detected.\n\n**Text Reaction:**\nA text reaction will respond with a specific text message when the trigger text is detected.",
"triggers_no_reactions_title": "No Custom Reactions Found",
"triggers_not_added": "failed to add custom reaction. Please try again.",
"triggers_not_deleted": "something went wrong while trying to delete this trigger.",
"triggers_not_found": "no custom reaction found with the provided ID.",
"triggers_reaction_service_footer": "Reaction Service",
"triggers_type_emoji": "Emoji",
"triggers_type_text": "Text",
"xkcd_description": "[Explainxkcd]({0}) | [Webpage]({1})",
"xkcd_footer": "Xkcd Service",
"xkcd_not_found": "failed to fetch this comic.",
"xkcd_not_found_author": "Comic Not Found",
"xkcd_title": "Xkcd {0} - {1}",
"xp_lb_author": "Level Leaderboard",
"xp_lb_cant_use_dropdown": "You can't use this menu, it's someone else's.",
"xp_lb_currency_author": "Currency Leaderboard",
"xp_lb_currency_field_value": "cash: **${0}**",
"xp_lb_dailies_author": "Daily Streak Leaderboard",
"xp_lb_dailies_field_value": "highest streak: **{0}**\nclaimed on: `{1}`",
"xp_lb_field_name": "#{0} - {1}",
"xp_lb_field_value": "level: **{0}**\nxp: `{1}/{2}`",
"xp_level": "Level {0}",
"xp_progress": "Progress to next level",
"xp_server_rank": "Server Rank: #{0}"