import asyncio import logging import os import subprocess import discord from discord.ext import commands from sb_tools import interaction, embeds, universal racu_logs = logging.getLogger('Racu.Core') class BasicCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, sbbot): = sbbot @commands.slash_command( name="intro", guild_only=False, description="This command can only be done in DMs." ) @commands.dm_only() async def intro(self, ctx): guild_id = 719227135151046699 channel_id = 973619250507972618 muted_role_id = 754895743151505489 nickname = None age = None location = None pronouns = None likes = None dislikes = None languages = None sexuality = None relationship_status = None extra = None guild = member = await guild.fetch_member( if member and discord.utils.get(member.roles, id=muted_role_id): em = discord.Embed(description="You're muted in the Rave Cave. You can't perform this command.", color=0xadcca6) await ctx.respond(embed=em) racu_logs.warning(f"{} couldn't do the intro command: Muted in the Race Cave") return # elif member and not discord.utils.get(member.roles, id=719995790319157279): # em = discord.Embed(description="It seems that you don't have permission to do that!") # await ctx.respond(embed=em) # racu_logs.warning(f"{} couldn't do the intro command: No Permissions") # return embed = discord.Embed(color=0xadcca6, title=f"Hey {}!", description=f"This command will serve as a questionnaire " f"for your entry to <#{channel_id}>. Please keep your answers \"PG-13.\"") embed.add_field(name="Short intro", value="Click the blue button to use the short form, this one has " "__6 questions__, which is filled out promptly & contains the " "most important elements needed to briefly describe you.") embed.add_field(name="Extended intro", value="Click the green button to fill out an extended form with " "__10 questions__ (including an \"extras\" field where you " "can unleash your creativity), this one takes a bit longer " "to fill out but gives a more detailed portrayal of you.") embed.set_footer(text="Please don't abuse this command.") embed.set_thumbnail(url="" ".webp?size=96") view = interaction.IntroButtons(ctx) await ctx.respond(embed=embed, view=view) await view.wait() def check(message): return == and isinstance(, discord.DMChannel) if view.clickedShort: racu_logs.debug(f"{} clicked Short Intro") # START NICKNAME await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_first("How would you like to be identified in the server?")) try: nickname_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) nickname = nickname_message.content if len(nickname) > 100: nickname = nickname[:100] nickname = nickname.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} nickname: {nickname}") # START AGE await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_5("How old are you?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {nickname}") try: age_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) age = age_message.content if len(age) > 5: age = age[:5] age = age.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} age: {age}") # START LOCATION view = interaction.LocationOptions(ctx) await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_none("Where do you live?"), view=view, content=f"Recorded answer: {age}") await view.wait() location = view.location if not view.location: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) return racu_logs.debug(f"{} location: {location}") # START PRONOUNS await ctx.send( embed=embeds.simple_question_30("What are your preferred pronouns?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {location}") try: pronouns_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) pronouns = pronouns_message.content if len(pronouns) > 30: pronouns = pronouns[:30] pronouns = pronouns.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} pronouns: {pronouns}") # START LIKES await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_300("Likes & interests"), content=f"Recorded answer: {pronouns}") try: likes_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=300) likes = likes_message.content if len(likes) > 300: likes = likes[:300] likes = likes.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} likes: {likes}") # START DISLIKES await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_300("Dislikes"), content=f"Recorded answer: {likes}") try: dislikes_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=300) dislikes = dislikes_message.content if len(dislikes) > 300: dislikes = dislikes[:300] dislikes = dislikes.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} dislikes: {dislikes}") # POST EXAMPLE EMBED AND FINAL IF APPROVED em = embeds.final_embed_short(ctx, nickname, age, location, pronouns, likes, dislikes) view = interaction.Confirm(ctx) await ctx.send(embed=em, content=f"Introduction of <@{}>", view=view) await view.wait() if view.clickedConfirm: intro_channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id) await intro_channel.send(embed=em, content=f"Introduction of <@{}>") await ctx.send(embed=embeds.final_confirmation(channel_id))"{} Intro Sent") return else: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return elif view.clickedLong: racu_logs.debug(f"{} clicked Long Intro") # START NICKNAME await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_first_extended( "How would you like to be identified in the server?")) try: nickname_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) nickname = nickname_message.content if len(nickname) > 100: nickname = nickname[:100] nickname = nickname.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} nickname: {nickname}") # START AGE await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_5("How old are you?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {nickname}") try: age_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) age = age_message.content if len(age) > 5: age = age[:5] age = age.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} age: {age}") # START LOCATION view = interaction.LocationOptions(ctx) await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_none("Where do you live?"), view=view, content=f"Recorded answer: {age}") await view.wait() location = view.location if not view.location: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) return racu_logs.debug(f"{} location: {location}") # START LANGUAGES await ctx.send( embed=embeds.simple_question_100("Which languages do you speak?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {location}" ) try: languages_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=200) languages = languages_message.content if len(languages) > 30: languages = languages[:30] languages = languages.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} languages: {languages}") # START PRONOUNS await ctx.send( embed=embeds.simple_question_30("What are your preferred pronouns?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {languages}") try: pronouns_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) pronouns = pronouns_message.content if len(pronouns) > 30: pronouns = pronouns[:30] pronouns = pronouns.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} pronouns: {pronouns}") # START SEXUALITY await ctx.send( embed=embeds.simple_question_30("What's your sexuality?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {pronouns}") try: sexuality_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) sexuality = sexuality_message.content if len(sexuality) > 30: sexuality = sexuality[:30] sexuality = sexuality.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} sexuality: {sexuality}") # START RELATIONSHIP_STATUS await ctx.send( embed=embeds.simple_question_30("What's your current relationship status?"), content=f"Recorded answer: {sexuality}") try: relationship_status_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) relationship_status = relationship_status_message.content if len(relationship_status) > 30: relationship_status = relationship_status[:30] relationship_status = relationship_status.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} relationship_status: {relationship_status}") # START LIKES await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_300("Likes & interests"), content=f"Recorded answer: {relationship_status}") try: likes_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=300) likes = likes_message.content if len(likes) > 300: likes = likes[:300] likes = likes.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} likes: {likes}") # START DISLIKES await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_300("Dislikes"), content=f"Recorded answer: {likes}") try: dislikes_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=300) dislikes = dislikes_message.content if len(dislikes) > 300: dislikes = dislikes[:300] dislikes = dislikes.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} dislikes: {dislikes}") # START EXTRA await ctx.send(embed=embeds.simple_question_300( "EXTRAS: job status, zodiac sign, hobbies, etc. " "Tell us about yourself!"), content=f"Recorded answer: {dislikes}") try: extra_message = await'message', check=check, timeout=300) extra = extra_message.content if len(extra) > 300: extra = extra[:300] extra = extra.replace("\n", " ") racu_logs.debug(f"{} extra: {extra}") # POST EXAMPLE EMBED AND FINAL IF APPROVED em = embeds.final_embed_extended(ctx, nickname, age, location, languages, pronouns, sexuality, relationship_status, likes, dislikes, extra) view = interaction.Confirm(ctx) await ctx.send(embed=em, content=f"Introduction of <@{}>", view=view) await view.wait() if view.clickedConfirm: intro_channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id) await intro_channel.send(embed=em, content=f"Introduction of <@{}>") await ctx.send(embed=embeds.final_confirmation(channel_id))"{} Intro Sent") return else: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return else: await ctx.send(embed=embeds.no_time()) racu_logs.warning(f"{} Intro Timeout") return def setup(sbbot): sbbot.add_cog(BasicCog(sbbot))