import asyncio import os import random import discord from discord.ext import commands from dotenv import load_dotenv from data.BlackJackStats import BlackJackStats from data.Currency import Currency from data.Inventory import Inventory from data.Item import Item from data.SlotsStats import SlotsStats from main import economy_config from sb_tools import economy_embeds, economy_functions, universal, interaction, embeds load_dotenv('.env') active_blackjack_games = {} special_balance_name = os.getenv("SPECIAL_BALANCE_NAME") cash_balance_name = os.getenv("CASH_BALANCE_NAME") class GamblingCog(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, sbbot): = sbbot @commands.slash_command( name="blackjack", description="Start a game of blackjack.", guild_only=True ) @commands.check(universal.channel_check) async def blackjack(self, ctx, *, bet: discord.Option(int)): # check if the player already has an active blackjack going if in active_blackjack_games: await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.already_playing("BlackJack")) return # Currency handler ctx_currency = Currency( # check if the user has enough cash player_cash_balance = if bet > player_cash_balance or bet <= 0: await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.not_enough_cash()) return active_blackjack_games[] = True try: player_hand = [] dealer_hand = [] deck = economy_functions.blackjack_get_new_deck() # deal initial cards (player draws two & dealer one) player_hand.append(economy_functions.blackjack_deal_card(deck)) player_hand.append(economy_functions.blackjack_deal_card(deck)) dealer_hand.append(economy_functions.blackjack_deal_card(deck)) # calculate initial hands player_hand_value = economy_functions.blackjack_calculate_hand_value(player_hand) dealer_hand_value = economy_functions.blackjack_calculate_hand_value(dealer_hand) status = "game_start" if player_hand_value != 21 else "player_blackjack" view = interaction.BlackJackButtons(ctx) if status == "game_start" else None await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.blackjack_show(ctx, bet, player_hand, dealer_hand, player_hand_value, dealer_hand_value, status=status), view=view, while status == "game_start": await view.wait() if view.clickedHit: # player draws a card & value is calculated player_hand.append(economy_functions.blackjack_deal_card(deck)) player_hand_value = economy_functions.blackjack_calculate_hand_value(player_hand) if player_hand_value > 21: status = "player_busted" elif player_hand_value == 21: status = "player_won_21" elif view.clickedStand: # player stands, dealer draws cards until he wins OR busts while dealer_hand_value <= player_hand_value: dealer_hand.append(economy_functions.blackjack_deal_card(deck)) dealer_hand_value = economy_functions.blackjack_calculate_hand_value(dealer_hand) if dealer_hand_value > 21: status = "dealer_busted" else: status = "dealer_won" else: status = "timed_out" break # edit the embed, disable view if game is over. if status == "game_start": view = interaction.BlackJackButtons(ctx) else: view = None await ctx.edit(embed=economy_embeds.blackjack_show(ctx, bet, player_hand, dealer_hand, player_hand_value, dealer_hand_value, status=status), view=view, # change balance if status == "player_busted" or status == "dealer_won": ctx_currency.take_cash(bet) ctx_currency.push() # push stats (low priority) stats = BlackJackStats(, is_won=False, bet=bet, payout=0, hand_player=player_hand, hand_dealer=dealer_hand ) stats.push() elif status == "timed_out": await ctx.send(embed=economy_embeds.out_of_time(), ctx_currency.take_cash(bet) ctx_currency.push() else: # bet multiplier payout = bet * float(economy_config["blackjack"]["reward_multiplier"]) ctx_currency.add_cash(payout) ctx_currency.push() if status == "player_blackjack": # if 21 -> add item inventory = Inventory( item = Item.get_item_by_name("bitch_coin") inventory.add_item(item) embed = discord.Embed( color=discord.Color.embed_background(), title="You hit a BlackJack!", description=f"Yous a bitch for winning with a natural hand so I gave you 1 " f"**{item.display_name}**." ) embed.set_footer(text="Take a look in /inventory") await ctx.respond(embed=embed) # push stats (low priority) stats = BlackJackStats(, is_won=True, bet=bet, payout=payout, hand_player=player_hand, hand_dealer=dealer_hand ) stats.push() except Exception as e: await ctx.respond(embed=embeds.command_error_1()) print("Something went wrong in the gambling command:\n", e) finally: # remove player from active games list del active_blackjack_games[] @commands.slash_command( name="slots", descriptions="Spin the slots for a chance to win the jackpot!", guild_only=True ) @commands.check(universal.channel_check) async def slots(self, ctx, *, bet: discord.Option(int)): # Currency handler ctx_currency = Currency( # check if the user has enough cash player_cash_balance = if bet > player_cash_balance or bet <= 0: await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.not_enough_cash()) return # calculate the results before the command is shown results = [random.randint(0, 6) for i in range(3)] calculated_results = economy_functions.calculate_slots_results(bet, results) type = calculated_results[0] payout = calculated_results[1] multiplier = calculated_results[2] is_won = True if type == "lost": is_won = False # start with default "spinning" embed await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.slots_spinning(ctx, 3, bet, results, await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.edit(embed=economy_embeds.slots_spinning(ctx, 2, bet, results,, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()) await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.edit(embed=economy_embeds.slots_spinning(ctx, 1, bet, results,, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()) await asyncio.sleep(1) await ctx.edit(embed=economy_embeds.slots_finished(ctx, type, multiplier, bet, results,, allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions.none()) # user payout if payout >= 0: ctx_currency.add_cash(payout) else: ctx_currency.take_cash(payout) # push stats (low priority) if payout <= 0: payout = 0 stats = SlotsStats(, is_won=is_won, bet=bet, payout=payout, spin_type=type, icons=results ) ctx_currency.push() stats.push() @commands.slash_command( name="duel", description="Challenge another player to a fight.", guild_only=True ) @commands.check(universal.channel_check) async def duel(self, ctx, *, opponent: discord.Option(discord.Member), bet: discord.Option(int)): challenger = if == return await ctx.respond(content="You cannot duel yourself.") elif return await ctx.respond(content="You cannot duel a bot.") # Currency handler challenger_currency = Currency( opponent_currency = Currency( # check if challenger has enough cash challenger_cash_balance = if bet > challenger_cash_balance or bet <= 0: return await ctx.respond(embed=economy_embeds.not_enough_cash()) # if opponent doesn't have sufficient money, the bet will become the opponent's cash opponent_cash_balance = all_in = "" if opponent_cash_balance <= 0: return await ctx.respond(f"Woops, you can't do that because **{}** has no money.") elif bet > opponent_cash_balance: bet = opponent_cash_balance all_in = " | opponent's all-in" # challenge message view = interaction.DuelChallenge(opponent) await ctx.respond( content=f"**{}** challenges {opponent.mention} to a duel ({cash_balance_name}{bet}{all_in})\n" f"Use the buttons to accept/deny (challenge expires after 60s)", view=view) await view.wait() if view.clickedConfirm: winner = random.choice([challenger, opponent]) loser = opponent if winner == challenger else challenger combat_message = random.choice(economy_config["duel"]["combat_messages"]).format(f"**{}**", f"**{}**") await ctx.respond(content=f"{combat_message}\n\n" f"{winner.mention} wins **{cash_balance_name}{bet}**\n" f"{loser.mention} loses this bet.") # payouts if winner == challenger: challenger_currency.add_cash(bet) opponent_currency.take_cash(bet) elif winner == opponent: opponent_currency.add_cash(bet) challenger_currency.take_cash(bet) elif view.clickedDeny: await ctx.edit(content=f"**{}** canceled the duel.") else: await ctx.edit(content=f"Time ran out.") challenger_currency.push() opponent_currency.push() def setup(sbbot): sbbot.add_cog(GamblingCog(sbbot))