from datetime import datetime from typing import Literal import discord from lib.const import CONST class Builder: @staticmethod def create_embed( theme: Literal["error", "success", "info", "warning", "default"], user_name: str | None = None, user_display_avatar_url: str | None = None, title: str | None = None, author_text: str | None = None, author_icon_url: str | None = None, author_url: str | None = None, description: str | None = None, color: int | None = None, footer_text: str | None = None, footer_icon_url: str | None = None, image_url: str | None = None, thumbnail_url: str | None = None, timestamp: datetime | None = None, hide_name_in_description: bool = False, hide_time: bool = False, ) -> discord.Embed: """ Create a standard Lumi embed with the given parameters. """ theme_settings = { "error": (CONST.COLOR_ERROR, CONST.CROSS_ICON), "success": (CONST.COLOR_DEFAULT, CONST.CHECK_ICON), "info": (CONST.COLOR_DEFAULT, CONST.INFO_ICON), "warning": (CONST.COLOR_WARNING, CONST.WARNING_ICON), "default": (color or CONST.COLOR_DEFAULT, None), } color, author_icon_url = theme_settings[theme] if user_name and not hide_name_in_description: description = f"**{user_name}** {description}" embed: discord.Embed = discord.Embed( title=title, description=description, color=color, ) embed.set_author( name=author_text or user_name or None, icon_url=author_icon_url or user_display_avatar_url or None, url=author_url, ) embed.set_footer( text=footer_text or CONST.TITLE, icon_url=footer_icon_url or CONST.LUMI_LOGO_TRANSPARENT, ) embed.timestamp = None if hide_time else (timestamp or discord.utils.utcnow()) if image_url: embed.set_image(url=image_url) if thumbnail_url: embed.set_thumbnail(url=thumbnail_url) return embed