import asyncio import subprocess from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo import dropbox # type: ignore from discord.ext import commands, tasks from dropbox.files import FileMetadata # type: ignore from loguru import logger from lib.client import Luminara from lib.const import CONST # Initialize Dropbox client if instance is "main" _dbx: dropbox.Dropbox | None = None if CONST.INSTANCE and CONST.INSTANCE.lower() == "main": _app_key: str | None = CONST.DBX_APP_KEY _dbx_token: str | None = CONST.DBX_TOKEN _app_secret: str | None = CONST.DBX_APP_SECRET _dbx = dropbox.Dropbox( app_key=_app_key, app_secret=_app_secret, oauth2_refresh_token=_dbx_token, ) def run_db_dump() -> None: command: str = ( f"mariadb-dump --user={CONST.MARIADB_USER} --password={CONST.MARIADB_PASSWORD} " f"--host=db --single-transaction --all-databases > ./db/migrations/100-dump.sql" ) subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) def upload_backup_to_dropbox(backup_name: str) -> None: with Path("./db/migrations/100-dump.sql").open("rb") as f: if _dbx: _dbx.files_upload(, f"/{backup_name}") # type: ignore async def create_db_backup() -> None: if not _dbx: msg = "Dropbox client is not initialized" raise ValueError(msg) backup_name: str ="US/Eastern")).strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H%M") + "_lumi.sql" run_db_dump() upload_backup_to_dropbox(backup_name) async def backup_cleanup() -> None: if not _dbx: msg = "Dropbox client is not initialized" raise ValueError(msg) result = _dbx.files_list_folder("") # type: ignore all_backup_files: list[str] = [ for entry in result.entries if isinstance(entry, FileMetadata)] # type: ignore for file in sorted(all_backup_files)[:-48]: _dbx.files_delete_v2(f"/{file}") # type: ignore async def backup() -> None: if CONST.INSTANCE and CONST.INSTANCE.lower() == "main": logger.debug("Backing up the database.") try: await create_db_backup() await backup_cleanup() logger.debug("Backup successful.") except Exception as error: logger.error(f"Backup failed: {error}") else: logger.debug('No backup, instance not "MAIN".') class Backup(commands.Cog): def __init__(self, bot: Luminara) -> None: Luminara = bot self.do_backup.start() @tasks.loop(hours=1) async def do_backup(self) -> None: await backup() @do_backup.before_loop async def before_do_backup(self) -> None: await await asyncio.sleep(30) async def setup(bot: Luminara) -> None: await bot.add_cog(Backup(bot))